thirty ── what of kurama?

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:side story:

Many have wondered of the Nine-Tails whereabouts.

What happened to it exactly?

Well, as it turned out, Minato was the one chosen to have it sealed away inside of him. It made things easier on the world.

Besides, y/n was the one who recommended that Minato should be the jinchuuriki. well, mainly because Minato convinced her to say such a thing.

This conversation was only between her and the village elders (and Mito was there too).

Little did Minato know, y/n had fully trusted him from the very beginning. She had spoken up for him, and his reliability. Not to mention that he was far stronger than anyone else in their class.

Many would have went up against y/n, but she held her ground.

Minato was the one for the job, and before anyone knew it...he became the jinchuuriki.


It was never spoken of again.

No one outside of the room ever knew of the truth.

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