Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV

"Shut up, Lisa," I muttered under my breath.

"So how do you two know each other?" Mom asks both Calum and I.

"We met earlier at Starbucks."

"Oh that's nice. Honey, if you want you can invite Adam over after dinner," my mom said.

"He... um... broke up with me today. That's actually how I met Calum. Because he was making sure I was okay," I said wanting to cry.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetie," mom said while placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Do you need me to rough him up for you, little sis?" My older brother, Alex asked.

"No, there's no need for that. Thank you though."

"Are you sure, Lauren?" My dad and oldest brother, Mike said in unison.

"Yes, if I wanted to beat him up I would do it myself," I say.
Calum's POV

While Lauren and her family are having a conversation about her ex, I find myself staring a her. I literally can't help it. I mean how could I? She's just SO beautiful... no gorgeous. Not to mention, intelligent and fierce. But, she probably doesn't like me. So, it doesn't matter.
The rest of her family sit down at the table and we say grace.
"Thank you for inviting me over, Mr. and Mrs. Cimorelli."

"Oh, it's not a problem," they both say in unison.
After dinner, Mr. Cimorelli pulled me into a different room to talk. "Did I do something wrong, Mr. Cimorelli?" I asked.
"Please, call me Mike. And no you haven't done anything wrong," he ensured. "I can tell you're a good kid," he started, "please, take care of Laure-"

"Wait, what?" I cut him off.

"Can tell you like her. So, please take care of her. She is really shy and doesn't make or have many friends. Her last boyfriend was rude and he treated her awfully. I can tell that you aren't like that. When she was younger, she used to get bullied all the time because she was so shy. She then became mute and didn't talk for months. The only one she would open up to was Dani. Sh-"

"Excuse me sir, but why are you telling me all this. I mean, this is like her whole personal life story," I say.

"Because I believe you won't mistreat her, use her, leave her or cheat on her. She's a good girl. Just don't pressure her into anything she isn't willing to do. And she really loves spaghetti and chicken. If you want to, you can stay the night. We have a spare room that you can bunk in for the night, I trust you," he finishes.

"Thank you sir."

"Please, Mike," Mr. Cimorelli says correcting me. I nod and he leads me out of the room.
I guess not all of the family lives here. We had dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Cimorelli, Lauren, Dani, and the three youngest brothers, Christian, Nick, and Joey's house. Christina lives with her husband, Nick. Katherine, Lisa, and Amy all live in the same house. And Mike Jr. and Alex both live together.
When we walk into the living room, we realize that everyone is outside other than Dani and Lauren who are up in their rooms.
Mike points up the stairs, to a room that was to the right of the room at the stairs once you walk up them.

"That's Lauren's room. Go talk to her," he said. I nodded and made my way up the stairs. Once I got to the door of the room Mike told me was Lauren's, I hesitated then knocked on it. The door opened and I looked down to see the most beautiful thing God has ever created.
"Hey," I smiled.

"Hello, Calum. Come on in."

I walk in and she tells me I can sit on the bed

Lauren's POV

I hear a knock at my door so I walk over and open it. I look up and see Calum. I invite him in and tell him he can sit on my bed. I close the door and sit down next to him.

Hey guys! Sorry this was such a short chapter. But, just to get a better idea of what Calum looks like, here you go.
I love you all so much.

 I love you all so much

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