Ba hum bug

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Its was a cold snowy day in the leaf village, mostly everyone was either staying in side drinking hot chocolate or were out doing some last minute gift shopping. All but the raven haired Uchiha, who casually walked down the road toward the training grounds. He didn't wear a jacket in fact he welcomed the cold, to him it was a great way to stay focused. People walked by smiling and greeting each other, "Merry Christmas!" They would say or "Happy holidays."

Anytime someone would approach him with that greeting they would be stabbed with a glare. It wasn't really a secret that Sasuke Uchiha didn't like the holiday that was so near, but the reason behind why was a secret. He was almost to the gate of the village when a voice stopped him.

"Hey teme wait up!!" called his blond teammate as he ran despretly trying to catch up to him. "What do you want Naruto?" He growled giving Naruto a death glare.

"I want to go with you." The blond replied.

"Baka you don't even know where I'm going." Sasuke replied.

"Well it doesn't matter because I'm coming with. So where we off to?" Naruto asked as he walked past his brooding teammate. "We're going to the training field." Sasuke grunted.

"What!!!???" Naruto whined, "Why would you go there? Its freezing!!"

"Hn." His raven haired teammate replied. A few hours later a banged up Naruto and Sasuke stood in the middle of the snow covered training field. "See I told you id win." the blond said with a laugh.

"Hn. You didn't win baka. I did, your lucky your still standing." Sasuke said giving his teammate a smirk.

After resting for a moment they started back home that's when Naruto asked a random question.

"So you coming to my Christmas party?" He asked.

"Why would I?" Sasuke replide.Naruto frowned, "Because its christmas duh. No one not even you teme should be alone."

"Well I like being alone." Sasuke replide.

Naruto stopped outside his apartment, "Well Sasuke I hope you change you mind, Sakura-chan will be here." He said giving me a sly smile. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk to my own apartment.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS TEME!!!" He called after me. I sighe'd and replide with a audible 'Hn.'

"I SAID MERRY CHRISTMAS TEME!!" Naruto shouted again.

"ITS NOT CHRISTMAS YET YOU IDIOT QUIT YELLING!!" Narutos neighbor yelled causing him to wince.I smirked then as snow began to fall,I opened my apartment door and muttered, "Ba hum bug."

To be cont...

(A*N: So this is my Sasuke Christmas story. I hope you enjoy and there won't really be any SasuSaku until toward the end but please stay with me and I hope you enjoy. Vote. Read and follow for more great stories. Also AmericaS16 if your reading this then early merry Christmas beautiful. :-) )

Christmas Carol:Sasuke styleWhere stories live. Discover now