Chapter 5 The Promotion

Start from the beginning

The guard shrugged, "I have no idea, but you're the only one I was called to bring and it sounded pretty important."

When he said that I started to get nervous. Why would he want to see me for something important? I'm just a maid.

When we arrived he stopped and bowed to me one more time, "The emperor and his mother should be waiting inside. You'll have to go alone because you can only enter his throne room with direct permission."

I took a deep breath and put my hands on the door. I slowly opened it and I first seen the emperors mother Kang Zhang. I smiled and bowed to her and I looked to the emperor but I slightly gasped. It was the man I seen at the river. I quickly bowed to cover my face.

Oh god, he called me here because he's angry. I'm probably going to be killed.

Just then the Kang Zhang chuckled, "Wang Shu, you can stand up. You're not in trouble."

I nodded but I was still nervous, "Yes, your majesty."

She smiled and gestured to the emperor, "This is my son. Emperor Kang Xi."

When I heard that name I thought I had heard it before, but I wasn't sure. I looked up at him and seen he was smiling at me. Before I could die of nervousness any more he spoke up, "Wang Shu, is that your name?"

"Yes, your majesty." I said.

"Well Wang Shu, after some thought I have decided to promote you to a Court Lady. You will receive a new uniform, new bedroom, easier duties, and more pay."

His mother nodded, "I agree with your decision, but I was honestly surprised when you told me. I didn't think you knew Wang Shu."

His eyes went wide, "Oh, I just seen her today."

"I see, that's fine. Well Wang Shu, what do you think about all this?"

I was almost to shocked to speak but I managed a few words out. "Um, yes. Yes, your majesty. Thank you very much."

The emperor smiled down at me as he leaned on his hand. "Is there anything you'll be needing for your new room?"

I quickly shook my head, "No, your majesty. You have already did so much, thank you."

His mother stood up and smiled, "Then you will be dismissed, have a good day."

I bowed before I left, "I hope you have a great day too, your majesty."

When I got out I shut the door and leaned against the wall, "What just happened?"

-Zhao Ren POV-

It was getting late so I decided to go pay respects to the emperor before I went to sleep.

Before I left I did my hair and makeup real quick. I look beautiful, I thought.

But then I got angry, if I'm so beautiful why doesn't the emperor love me. He can barely even look at me. What don't I have? Do I need more money? Nicer clothes? What could it be?

I quickly decided to calm myself because I didn't want anyone to see me in this state. Once I was ready I stepped out of my palace and started to head to his, but I noticed there were no candles lit in his.

Confused I went to the door and a guard spoke, "The emperor is in his throne room."

"Really? What for?"

"He's promoting a maid to court lady."

Who could it be? And why didn't I hear about this?

I huffed in annoyance and made my way to the throne room and now there were even more guards.

When I got up the steps I smiled, "I need inside to speak to the emperor."

One of them shook their head, "Direct orders from the emperor. No one allowed inside until he's finished."

"I'm the Empress, now step aside."

They all then bowed, "Your Majesty we mean no disrespect, but he specifically said not to let you in. We cannot disobey the emperor."

I balled my fists up in anger, "At least tell me who's inside with him."

"His mother Kang Zhang and the maid Wang Shu."

"Wang Shu? That's the one from the concubine house. Don't tell me she's becoming a court lady?"

They all nodded, "Yes, your majesty."

I turned around and stormed my way back to my palace.

How dare they promote that whore. I was the one who made her a maid, they needed to consult me.

I grabbed a nearby vase and smashed it against the wall and I yelled, "Agh!"

When made my way to my bed I grabbed my hand held mirror and remembered what that girl looked like. She's... prettier than me.

I then looked up with determined eyes, "I won't let that bitch any further into the palace."

Empress Wang ShuWhere stories live. Discover now