Wendy's P.O.V

It was Friday. The day Peter had asked me too the movies! It was 9:00 and Peter texted me earlier that week saying that he would pick me up at 1:00. I jumped out of bed and into the shower. After rinsing all of the shampoo and conditioner out, I let my hair air dry as I ate two granola bars for breakfast. I looked at my phone Peter had texted me asking

Peter:'do you want to get lunch before the movie?'


Peter:'Great! I'll pick you up at 11:30? Maybe we can get chick-fil-a?'

Wendy:'sounds great!'

After that I went to my closet and grabbed a baby blue skater skirt and a grey shirt. I went to the bathroom and started curling my hair. I heard someone waking up in the other room I looked in. It was Ariel. When finally woke up completely she squealed
"Today's your date with Peter isn't it?"
"Yeah" I responded blushing.
"Look adorable!" She told me.
"Thanks," I replied before going back to curling my hair.

After a while Ariel came into the bathroom wearing a purple bikini top and green bottoms.
" I'm going to the pool. Swim team tryouts are next week and I've got to practice," she said pulling up a pair of shorts and putting on a white flowy tank top.

"Bye, Ariel," I said before she left.

"Bye Wendy," she said, "have fun on your date!" She told me before walking out the door.

After finishing curling my hair I got my lap top out and pushed the power button. I went to my desk and grabbed a baby blue bow to match my skirt and a pair of grey convers to match my shirt. I walked back over to my bed and laid there watching Netflix until Cindy started to wake up.

"Morning sleepy head," I said not taking my eyes off the computer.
"What time is it?" She asked yawning.
"10:58," I told her this time looking at her.
"Whatcha watching?" She asked walking over to my bed and laying down.
"Once Upon a Time!" I responded before my phone buzzed. It was Peter texting me saying he was on his way. Cindy must have seen because she the said,
"Today's your date with Peter isn't it?" She said sadly.
"Yeah, are you okay?" I asked a little worried.
"I'm fine," she said before we went back to watching the show. There was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door to find Peter standing there smiling.
"Hello Wendy Darling" he said.
"Hello Peter," I said with a little smile.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked. I grabbed a jean jacket incase it got cold in the theater and my purse.
Then we walked out of the dorm building and off to the cafeteria.

Pocahontas's P.O.V

As I walked into the mall with Jasmine, I saw lots of girls with dresses from school that most likely bought their homecoming dresses today. As we walked into the dress shop I saw tons if beautiful dresses.
Jasmine ran toward a rack with teal dresses. I wasn't sure what I wanted. I mostly wore brown but I didn't think brown would be an appropriate color for homecoming. As I walked through the rows I found a dress that caught my eye. It was a tribal print dress with different colors. I loved tribal print and I thought it would be a good change from my usual brown. I walked toward the dressing room and tried it on. It was perfect. It was strapless and the skirt puffed out.
When I walked out of the dressing room I found Jasmine had a dress too it was teal with gold sparkles. The straps fell around her shoulders. Once we bought our dresses we walked to a little boutique. Jasmine bought gold Bengal bracelets, gold drop earrings, and gold strappy heals. I bought green heals to Mach in e of the colors in dress and a matching head band.

We walked out of the mall happy with our purchases.
"I love your dress!" Jasmine told me, "all the colors are so fun."
"Thanks Jas," I said.
"Ok so neither of us have a date right?" She asked me.
"Right," I responded.
"So if neither of us get a date we should go together. It would be so much fun," she smiled, "hey do you know who Aladdin is?" She asked blushing a little.
"You don't like him do you?" I asked my voice full of concern. She looked confused when I asked her that.
" He's bad news Jasmine. He goes around dating every girl and ends up breaking their hearts," I continued.
"Oh," she said.
"I'm sorry Jas." I told her truthfully.

Ariel's P.O.V

I was at the pool practicing every type of stroke I knew. First butterfly, than breast, than back and so on. After I practiced for hours I went down to the gym. As I was on the stepper a boy I saw every day come in. His name was Eric and I had a huge crush on him. He always smiled at me and sometimes we talked after we had worked out. I've been doing this every day since the day I got here and I did in my pool and local gym back home.

When I was about to go, I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and found it was Eric.
"Hey Ariel," he said a little nervous.
"Hey Eric," I said smiling.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go get a smoothie with me?"
"Ya! Lets go," I told him.

*time laps*

We walked into the smoothie shop and ordered our drinks. We sat down outside and started sipping our smoothies.
"So," I started to ask, " what have you been training so hard for?"
"Crew. What about you? You're in there every day," he asked.
"I'm trying out for the swim team next week," I told him.
"That's really cool," he respond with enthusiasm.
"Thanks. I hope you get on the team."
"You too," there was an awkwerd silence before he blurted out, "Will you go to the dance with me?"
I laughed at how cute it was when he asked.
"Of course," I responded genuinely smiling. After finishing we went back to our dorms with huge smiles.
'Im going to the dance with Eric!' I thought before sleep took over me and I dreamed about the dance.

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