Chapter 4

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Jasmines P.O.V

I walked down the hall the hall to my science classroom. I got there and saw that boy Aladdin. My heart fluttered a minute when I thought about him but then remembered what Poca had said about him. 'He's bad news' but that didn't stop me from sitting next to him in class when he asked me too. 'No I can't!' My brain kept telling me but my heart kept saying 'give him a chance' and that's exactly what I did.

Halfway through the class Aladdin scribbled something down on a piece of paper. He handed it to me without taking his eyes off the teacher. It read:
"You want to eat lunch with me?" I smiled and nodded at him.

After science was lunch so we walked together there. You could choose to sit in the lunch room or in the courtyard and we both decided on the court yard. After we bought our lunch we walked outside but what he did next surprised me. We started walking past the court yard to a big tree. He climbed up and signaled me to do the same. My brain told me again 'don't do it!' But once again I listened to my heart. I climbed up and found a whole new world. It was amazing and I somehow felt like I was flying. We ate our food and talked and I found out he wasn't a bad guy or a player at all. He was just misunderstood. His mother and father died when he was young and he had to live on the streets until an orphanage took him in. Last year they had some people from the school go to the orphanage and paid for all of the ninth graders tuition. After we finished lunch he asked me to go to the dance with him and I said yes! I went to my next classes with a goofy smile. I got strange looks but I didn't care all I could think about was the upcoming dance and Aladdin.

Cinderella's P.O.V

I was sitting with Wendy in our dorm talking about the upcoming dance. I had gotten over Peter and was just hopping someone would ask me.
"Cindy, you don't have a the dance do you?" She asked.
"No," I said sadly.
"Oh. Well there's still time to get a date," she said trying to cheer me up.
"I don't know. I think me and Araura are going with a group of people. "
"Well...have you gotten your dress yet?"
"Nope," I answered.
"We'll then let's go get them right now!" She answered knowing it would cheer me up.

*time laps*

We walked into the store greeted by hundreds of dresses. Wendy and I immediately ran towards the blue ones. We found several dresses we liked and tried them on. I walked out of the dressing room in a flowy high low dress witch was navy blue and had a white belt around it. Wendy had on a strapless pale blue skater skirt dress with with pearls and diamonds that slowly faded as they reached the bottom.

"You look gorgeous!" I exclaimed.
"Thanks! I think I'm going to get it!" Wendy exclaimed, "but I think you need a different dress,"she said examining my dress.
"That's what I was thinking. I have one more dress to try on."

I ran back into the dressing room and slipped on the other dress. It was white with sky blue flower patterns on it. It was perfect. I walked out to show Wendy and she agreed.

When we were ready to leave Wendy went to the cash register and started pulling out my wallet before I stopped her.

"Oh don't worry about that." I said before an older wight haired lady walked out in a long blue dress. My fairy god mother!

"Cinderella dear, is that you?" She smiled when she saw me. "Oh darling! How are you?"
" I'm great, how are you!"
"Well this is my friend Wendy and we came to get homecoming dresses."
"We'll those are beautiful!" She exclaimed. "And you don't need to pay. You know I'll always help you dress for a ball. Your friend too."
"Oh, thank you!" I told her,"we'll we really must go now," I said giving her one last hug. We left after Wendy thanked her.

"Who was that?" Wendy asked curiously.
"Just an old friend of mine I said walking out the doors of the mall off towards our dorm.

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