Chapter 1: Prophecy

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The kingdom's madman woke up and suddenly knew what he had to do. He put on his torn clothes and rushed out of the house. As he was running for the city square everyone backed away. He was the kind of man nobody wanted to be too close to. He was muttering to himself and seemed totally crazy but everyone also knew how wise he was. Everything he said always became true and that's what scared them the most. He ran up to the big stone that lied there in the middle of the square. He stepped on it and someone immediately noticed him. Nobody was saying that out loud but the word about him being there quickly spread around. The old man stood silent there for a minute started loudly speaking „Listen here my people! I have a prophecy to pass on to you. I had a dream!" after the last sentence, you could hear someone laughing and saying sarcastically „oh really? Who would've guessed." but the old man didn't let himself be bothered about that comment and continued „We will be saved! There will come three heroes and each of them has their own story. They will defeat the kings and will restore our kingdom to its previous state. Do not lose your faith people! This is real! They are coming! They are bor-„ he was interrupted before he could finish. The royal guards heard him and decided to check it out. They could not afford people having hope in a better future. Everyone's spirit must be broken so they will obey „let me go you beasts! Your time will be over soon and you will rot in hell!" laughed old man madly „hold your tongue behind your teeth madman. We are going to take you to the kings and it would be a shame if it was cut off before we even get there. Now get on your feet and start moving you filthy animal!" said one of the guards as he was pulling him off the ground. The old man just laughed and spoke „you call me a filthy animal? You creatures have more blood on your hands than all the people in the kingdom combined. That's what makes you people filthy animals." the same guard punched him in the face which caused the man to pass out. As the people were still staring with surprised expressions on their faces one of the guards yelled out „what are you peasants looking at? Get back to work and mind your own business!" as he said that, everyone turned quickly to their previous activities. Once they arrived at the main castle, the man was thrown in front of the two kings feet „what's this about?" asked Dolfon with an annoyed and slightly disgusted face „This my king is a madman. They say he is a wise man." brothers looked at each other and now it was Tothan's turn to speak „and?" he asked simply. For a second guards looked away and were thinking if that was a good idea to bring him here. No, what are they thinking! Of course it was! These kings will take out these three heroes like they are nothing! There is no way this little thing will make them mad or even worse... nervous. They waited a bit but seeing both kings getting already annoyed one of them stepped forward and started explaining what had happened „so we were on our shift guarding the gates of the city when we suddenly heard loud talking. Of course it was unusual so I took some guards with me and switched with other guys. When we arrived we saw this man standing on the big rock in the square and talked about a... well, how do I say this... uhmmm.." as he struggled to find words „Oh just say it already!" Dolfon burst out in slight anger „y-yes my king" he quickly stuttered and continued with his story „he was talking about some kind of prophecy about three heroes who will save Nymphlandia and will take the crown..." for a second of silence that seemed like an eternity this huge hall was filled with destructive atmosphere. The silence was broken by a laugh that came from Tothan's mouth. He seemed pleased and obviously took it as a bad joke. Dolfon, on the other hand, looked dead serious and fallen into his thoughts „I haven't been this entertained since I was a small boy" Tothan still laughed. He then stopped suddenly when his brother put his hand on his shoulder „It's better if we didn't underestimate this story. If it really is a prophecy then we should look out just in case." Tothan looked at him in confusion and asked „Are you serious brother? You believe this nutcase? Look at this man! He is a living ruin. He probably went crazy and is now muttering about some made-up story that he calls „prophecy" to brighten his non-existent life!" chuckled Tothan in confusion and what almost seemed like anger. Dolfon thought for a bit and then said „I've decided! Lock this man up but don't kill him. We might need him later." his brother didn't seem pleased but agreed to it anyway. The old man heard these few words from Dolfon and decided that he won't be serving these bastards. Sitting on their thrones god-like, ruling over something they don't even have right to! They don't deserve all this. As the guards led him out of the room he screamed back at the kings „your time is soon to be up! You have no escape! You can not stop what is written in the future" and with these words he was dragged out of the room. As they were heading towards the cell he suddenly threw himself on the floor and said in agony „Oh no... I...I think my heart is stopping! Do something! I might die!" guards didn't wait for him to say it twice because they were too scared of the kings and what they will do to them if they lost this man. Only one guard stayed with the man as the other two left to get help. The old man didn't wait any longer, he took the guards blade that was attached to his belt and slit his throat. He ran higher and higher with a clear purpose on his mind. he must not stay here! he hurried up to the highest tower which was placed on the very edge of the cliff that the castle was built on. As he heard screaming and yelling of the guards in the back, he turned to them. Guards froze as they saw this skinny man standing on the edge of the tower. He mouthed to them „damn you all" and let himself fall backward into the abyss that seemed endless.

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