Close Proximity Part 1

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Summary: Y/N is in a band as well and fancies the pants off Danny. Turns out the feeling is mutual.

Word Count: 819.

Warnings:None. It's pure pining and fluff!

A/N: I have't written in ages, let alone fandom writing. I have ideas to make this a little series of maybe three but I don't know. Let me know what you think.

You heard the brothers first from across the room. When you looked up though, the first person you saw was him. Tall, dark and handsome, and staring straight at you. He had that look on his face; like you were his mission, but when he noticed you staring back, he blinked like he was coming back into himself and quickly looked away, back down at his drink.

You turned back your bandmates who were all in animated conversation with one another. You had all been invited to Rolling Stones Annual Awards and it seemed everyone was there, bands, managers, producers, anyone who was anyone was in that room. Suddenly you felt the weight of a Kiszka on your back and several more surrounding you.

"Y/N!" Josh shouted, spinning you around in a hug before going for the rest of your group. You greeted Jake with a hug, clinking your matching tumblers of whiskey, Sam; with a high five for your fellow bassist, and finally Danny. He looked even more handsome up close, you hadn't seen him in a suit before and you had to say he looked quite ... dashing. His dark eyes were captivating framed in lush curled lashes and he'd let his hair down.

"y/n" he smiled, leaning in to hug you. He smelled so good as you pressed yourself against him, inhaling his scent and feeling the soft material of his jacket.

"We're on in a second but we just wanted to say you guys were brilliant earlier!" Josh exclaimed over the sound of the music.

"Yeah, great sound guys" Jake directed mostly to your guitarist who he had been arguing with moments earlier on the influences of Hendrix versus Clapton.

The boys slipped away as soon as they had arrived, and you and the girls took your places around the stage to watch their performance. They filed onstage: Josh running out, practically leaping into the crowd: Jake sauntering on, guitar already in its rightful place: Sam, always smiling and leaping out onto the stage and into position: finally Danny moved into position behind his drums, you nearly fell off your high heels when you saw he had taken off his jacket, rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt and tied his hair up. Dear God, he looked good!

You watched him drum for his life as the boys played, strands of hair flipping over his face, forearms tensed mid-air, and you could only imagine how his biceps would feel underneath that crisp white shirt that was now laying flat on his skin. You bit your lip and squirmed in your seat. When they finished their song you turned back to your bandmates.

"Time for Shots!" shouted your guitarist, who leapt up with your drummer and headed to the private bar in the VIP section you were sitting in.

"So" said the lead singer, taking a sip of her drink, "you actually going to make a move on drummer boy tonight or just sit there salivating again"

"I ... What?!" you stuttered as you tried to think of something quick to say. Just at that moment the guys appeared from behind you, Josh and Sam sliding into your booth whilst you saw Jake and Danny heading over with your bandmates from the bar, drinks in hand.

"Lets play a game!" shouted Josh, already half way though his beer having only just gotten his hands on it.


As the night went on you all consumed more alcohol than was probably necessary and eventually you found yourself propped up against Danny's shoulder, his arm around the back of the seat as he too propped himself up, his head on your shoulder. You watched from the booth as your bandmates and the Kiszkas tore up the dance floor with their interesting moves. He shuffled around and pulled you closer; leaning your head up to look at him you admired his side profile, strong jaw, lovely nose, deep dark eyes framed by feather like lashes. He really was gorgeous. You felt yourself leaning up to be closer to him, the movement and the brush of your nose on his jaw alerted him to this movement and he turned his head.

You locked eyes and, as if in silent agreement, moved in. You didn't want to close your eyes but with the mixture of spirits and close proximity you felt your eyes flutter shut. He pressed the softest kiss to your lips, brushing against them with his as he pulled back just a little, before moving back in again; this time bringing a hand up to hold your face to his. You stayed like that for a large portion of the night, gentle kisses and soft touches in the dark corner of the VIP bar, until you both decided to turn in for the night.

And as luck would have it, you were both in the same hotel ...

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