Tony moved in and attacked Ultron. 

"Shoot them!" Klaue exclaimed from behind Ultron. "Which ones?" His mercenary asked. "All of them!" Klaue exclaimed. "Even the kids?" The mercenary asks. "They're hardly children! Shoot them all!" Klaue yells. "Move, move, move!" The mercenary said to his men.

The rest of the team, including Natasha and Barton now battle it out with the Iron Legions, Klaue's men, and the twins as Stark fights with Ultron. 

"Stay down, kid!" Steve yells after knocking down Pietro. Erica and Lucas sped over to Pietro. Max, El, and Wanda were having a telekinetic battle, throwing things at each other using their minds. 

El knocks Wanda extremely far back and the two girl turn and go their separate ways. Wanda gets back up and Ultron looks at her. "It's time for some mind games." Ultron says. Bruce waits in the Quinjet and then hears all the commotion. He becomes alert.

"Guys, is this a Code Green?" Bruce asks through the radio. Wanda uses her power on Thor before quickly disappearing as Steve comes up to him. 

"Thor! Status?" Steve asks. "The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty." Thor said walking to find his next enemy and he suddenly finds himself at a party on Asgard. 

Wanda uses her power on Steve and Natasha before finding Max and El and using it on them too. "This is going very well." Ultron grins. As if jinxing it, Wanda sneaks up behind Clint and tries to use her mind control on him.

He turns swiftly and sticks an electric arrow in her forehead. "I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan." Clint informs. Just then Pietro speeds in, knocks down Barton, picks up Wanda and speeds off. "Yeah! You better run!" Clint exclaimed. Steve drops his helmet and walks off and begins speaking to the team. 

"Whoever's standing, we gotta move." Steve said. There was no response. "Guys?" Steve asked. Natasha found herself in a facility where younger girls are being taught ballet. "Again," instructs the ballet instructor. 

"You'll break them." Natasha says. "Only the breakable ones. You are made of marble. We'll celebrate after the graduation ceremony." The instructor says. "What if I fail?" Natasha asks.

A younger Natasha is shown in Natasha's head being taught to be an assassin. "You never fail." The instructor says.

Steve, walking to find his teammates, finds himself in the 40s in a dance hall. Peggy comes up to him. It was the dance Peggy told him to come too right before he went into the ice. "Are you ready for our dance?" She asks. 

Switch to Thor's hallucination, he spots someone walking in a black cloak when Heimdall comes up to him his eyes blind and unseeing. "Is that him? Is that the son of Odin?" Heimdall exclaims incredulously. "Heimdall, your eyes?!" Thor exclaims. 

"Oh, they see everything. They see you leading us to Hel. Wake up!" Heimdall exclaims as he begins to strangle Thor. 

Switch back to Steve, he's looking around confused. Peggy notices, "the war's over, Steve. We can go home. Imagine it!" She exclaims happily. Suddenly, the dance hall becomes empty and Steve sees himself dancing with Peggy.

Switching back to Thor, "I can still save you," Thor stated. "We are all dead. Can you not see?" Heimdall asks. Thor pushes him away. "You're a destroyer, Odinson. See where your powers leads." Heimdall says as a electricity hits Thor and it spikes all around the room. 

Switch to Max's hallucination, she sees herself in a home. Her home from her childhood. She sees her little brother, Mason, and her mom and dad. 

"They're coming Max." Her father said. Max looked terrified as his face began to deteriorate. "You can save them." He said as he melted. Max looked to her mother and brother who dashed off. 

"Wait!" Max yelled. She turned to the window and saw Chitauri running right at the house. Max turned and dashed after her mother and brother. 

Switching to Natasha's vision where is she being trained by Madame B to be an assassin. "Sloppy. Pretending to fail. The ceremony is necessary for you to take your place in the world." Madame B said. "I have no place in the world." Natasha said. "Exactly." Madame B said.

Switching to Elisia's vision, she's standing in the bland white room she spent years in. It was at the facility where she met Bucky, who was there. "Bucky?" El asked. Bucky glared at her. 

"It's your fault." He said. "What?" El asked. He wore a jacket and jeans and a t-shirt. He shrugged off the jacket and took his shirt off. El just watched him, curiously. He turned to show his immensely scarred back. 

"You did this to me." He said. "Bucky, no I-" "You ran, like a coward." 

"I was eight!" El defended. "But you were powerful and you still are! What did I tell you? Stop being afraid of your power!" Bucky yelled causing El to flinch.

Switching back to Max, she found herself in the Helicarrier suddenly surrounded by Chitauri. One had her mother and the other her brother. "Mama?" Max asked. "Max, run!" Her mom yelled. 

"Run, and never come back here! Get away from SHIELD!" Her mother yelled. Max looked at her brother who was staring right back at her. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you!" Max exclaimed. "Go!" Alexandria, Max's mom, yelled. "I love you, mama!" Max yelled. 

"Who is taking care of you? I told you, you take care of yourself!" Alexandria exclaimed. Max faltered, "Natasha is. Natasha Romanoff." Max said. "Get away from her! She'll hurt you!" "But I have El too!" Max exclaimed. "Get away from the Romanovs and Barinovs!" Alexandria yelled and with that, Max turned and ran. 

Switching finally back to El, she stood in front of Bucky, teary eyed, and then her mother walked in. "Mama?" El whispered. "Don't listen to him!" Her mother exclaimed. "Your power will hurt you. It's killing you." Anastassia told El. 

El looked at Bucky. "She's lying. You being afraid of your power has gotten you nowhere! You lost me and you lost Mike. Who's next? Max?" Bucky asked. El flinched. "No." El said. 

"My darling, Sia." Anastassia said grabbing El face, gently, in her hands. "Stop using your power. Get away from SHIELD." Anastassia said. "What? Why? I have a family there. Steve and Max and Natasha." El said. Her mother looked shocked. 

"Maxine Mayfield and Natasha Romanoff?" Anastassia asked. El nodded. "Leave them. Leave them far behind and never look back." Anastassia said.

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