Chapter 1

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It was just an ordinary day at the legion of superheroes base. Timber wolf was in his room talking some pills in which is his anxiety, suppressant,birth control, and his sleeping pills. He took all the other pills except the suppressants when the alarm went off and then he heard brainiac 5 knock on his door saying that the mission needs him. So he rushed out leaving forgetting that his heat was close and left with the others.

Timberwolf PoV
I left without taking my suppressants but the mission was important so I just left. While I was fighting one of beast with Bouncing boy, I started to feel weak and dizzy in which didn't go unoticed by Bouncing boy and that's when I started to feel hot.
"Are you OK dude?" asked Bouncing boy.
"Yeah I'm OK just a little dizzy," I said.
"Ok but if you don't feel well you can tell me we're friends," he then said said. While we were having the conversation we forgot that we were still fighting until we heard Saturday girl yell, "Timber wolf, Bouncing boy look out!" As well turn back the creature we were fighting it swong it tail at us but Bouncing boy expanded to block it from hitting me but he was through into a wall. As I watch in shock the beast came over and walked to me instead of fighting.
"Are you OK?" Asked the beast. "I am Langer and come here to look for a mate and I see you as the perfect one little omega."
I just stood there looking too weak to move and was started to feel slick down my pants.
"My name is Brin Londo also known as Timber wolf and yes I'm an omega but I don't want a mate for now so please leave us alone."
"No can do my omega you are coming with me also I'm a shape shifter."
I started to feel tired and my body getting hotter when the beast changed he was a handsome man and he used his scent to make me unconscious. All I saw was black.

Bouncing boy PoV
I got myself knocked into a wall by the creature and I saw that the beast was after Timber wolf. When I saw Timber wolf kneeing I knew something was wrong so I pressed my communicator and told the team that the the creatures were after him and told them to come fast. I kept on watched so say that maybe they were communicating telepathically. Then the beast started to change forms as Timber wolf fainted. And the man beast took him up bridal style.
But lucky me the team came before the man could leave with Brin. "Um guys did the others beasts follow you?" I asked. "I don't think so, but where is Brin?" asked Saturn girl. I pointed to the two. Everyone got ready to fight the man but then he saw us and just smiled.

No one PoV
Langer saw the legion and just smirked saying "Hello legion wanted do I owe the pleasure."
"Why are you taking Timber wolf ?" asked Brainiac 5. "No big reason just to be my mate," Langer replied. "Give him back! He won't go with you he is going back with us!" yelled Phantom girl. "Sorry no can do I need him with me for now. Boys entertain them while I deal with my mate," Langer said walking away with Brin. "Wait what's your name?" asked Superman. "Langer that the name,"he said disappearing.
"Guys lets deals these guys first then get Timber wolf,"said Bouncy.
After a long fight to defeated them the team knew they won't find Brin so they went to headquarter to make a plan. With a little planning Brainiac 5 said they leave in a few hours after resting from the previous fight. Everyone was still sad about what happened to Timber wolf but went to there rooms.

Omegaverse Legion of Superheroes (Superman and Batman Included) ~YAOI~😍Where stories live. Discover now