Part 2: Results

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That stupid jerk! He's the reason I've been home-schooled pretty much my entire life! Ugh! I can't believe he hasn't moved on yet... I was like four when I made that mistake! I've told him I was sorry a billion times. Ugh! I'm practically fuming with rage. It felt like my mind was about to explode!

I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind. I let the calming breeze brush against me, sending a few strands of my long hair flowing gently back, like waves in an ocean. Much better. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone with some earbuds before I put one in my ear and began playing music quietly. Music is always a nice distraction. I softly hummed the tune and swayed back and forth as I walked along the road to get home. My eyes shifted up toward the deep blue sky and I gave a small smile. The sky has always reminded me of my family and my past. Plus, it also reminds me of one of my closest friends, Sora. Sora isn't real... He's just some guy from a game I play, but I have no one else to talk to so I'll take what I can get.

I placed my phone back into my pocket and looked around, being mindful of my surroundings. Don't want to pull a Kei Nagai and walk in front of a truck... Wow, I am way too much of a nerd. Oh well.

I wasn't too far away from my house now. I continued walking slowly, enjoying the gentle breeze before I made it to the front steps. I was greeted by a very friendly and overexcited male who seemed to be dressed in a firefighter's uniform. I smiled and waved at the man before walking into the house, taking off my shoes and going to get some water.

I have been living with Backdraft since I was twelve years old. It's not like I had anyone else to return to, and he seemed to be the only one willing to take me in. Overall, I'd say I'm a pretty lucky person. Not many people get to meet as many pro heroes as I have let alone be trained by them. When I was around thirteen I managed to convince Backdraft to help me master my quirk, because he also had water manipulation. He's been training me a lot and helping me grow to become great and strong like they were. Honestly, he's like an uncle to me. Heck, he might even be more excited about me joining UA than I am.

"So how did it go?" He asked me eagerly, giving me enough time to finish chugging down some water.

I turned to face him with a confident smile. "I think I did good enough to pass," I replied. "But I'm not sure if I was the best."

"You don't have to be the best." He said, "Besides if you were the best, you'd have less room to grow."

I gave him a soft smile and sighed quietly. "I just want them to be proud of me..." I said softly, looking down.

"Trust me, Amena. They are very proud of you."

I looked up at him and nodded a bit. "I think I'm going to go play a game of League and then go to bed. I'm pretty tired."

"Heh. You and your games. I'm surprised you've managed to make time for your training with all of the games you play." He chuckled a bit as he spoke. "Well, come get me if you need anything."

I nodded before walking to my room and turning on my laptop. As soon as the light turned on and my Star Guardian Ezreal wallpaper flashed, I hesitated. I looked at the boy on my screen for a moment before closing the laptop gently. I wasn't in the mood for that amount of toxicity after dealing with Baku-Chan earlier today. And no way was I prepared to fight a Ziggs, I mean... He's basically a miniature version of Bakugo. I rested my head against the desk beside the laptop and stared at the wall of my room. It was so empty and blank. Why haven't I ever decorated these walls? I must have been more tired than I thought because in just a few seconds I had passed out, right there at my desk.

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