Hair Brushing

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Brew sipped his coffee as he read "Coffee vs. Tea," nodding his head slightly whenever he read something that piqued his interest. Spill was casually sipping her tea and looking out the window. For a moment, she looked away and her gaze drifted towards Brew. She always knew that Brew's hair was messy and unkempt, and she honestly thought it suited him. It was kind of cute.

Right now, though, she felt a wave of curiosity wash over her. 

What would Brew look like if he brushed his hair?

She grabbed her purse and pulled out a hairbrush. "Hey, Brew?" "Hmm?" Brew looked up from his book.

"May I brush your hair?" Spill smiled and held up the brush. Brew blinked in confusion. "You want to... what?" "Brush your hair, silly! I want to see what you would look like if your hair was neater!"

"But a used brush is very unsanitary." "This brush is new. I bought it earlier today, so you don't have to worry."

Brew put his hand on his chin, thoughtfully considering her request.

Well, Chill and Grill are out on the beach, so they won't be back for a few hours. That means that it will just be me and Spill, so they won't see any of this. I'm not used to people touching me, much less touching my hair, but I trust that Spill won't do anything weird. And if that brush is new...

"... Okay. Go for it." Hearing this, Spill's face lit up and her smile instantly widened. She walked over behind his chair and thought about how she was going to start. Seeing Spill so happy and carefree made a small smile form on his face, but once he realized it, he became flustered and sipped more of his coffee.

Spill decided to start by flattening out his hair. She delicately ran her hands through his grey hair and patted it down. The tangles that were present were small and not very tight. It wasn't as bad as she expected. She began to gently brush his hair.

"When was the last time you even thought about brushing your hair, Brew?" Spill asked.

"I don't know. It just takes up time that I could use to do more productive things. Besides, after the times that I do sleep, it just gets messier, so I don't do it." Brew replied matter-of-factly.

"You know that you need more sleep, Brew. The bags under your eyes get a little bit heavier every day. I've been really worried about you." Spill stated as she was working on untangling parts of his hair.

"You've been... w-worried about me?" He felt some heat rise to his cheeks, and he was thankful that Spill couldn't see his face right now. Spill was also thankful that he couldn't see her blushing.

"I-I mean, you of all people should know how bad sleep deprivation can be! It's n-not healthy, and can lead to same nasty things, like, um..." She wasn't particularly up to speed on that topic.

"All sorts of things, really. From mental disorders like depression and anxiety to physical effects like an increased risk for strokes, high blood pressure, and other unsavory effects." He had seemingly forgotten about Spill's previous comment about him, and was instead somewhat obsessively remembering the effects of sleep deprivation.

She regained her composure and walked in front of Brew to brush the hair covering his face. He didn't seem to even be aware that she was right in front of him. He was mumbling more health effects of sleep deprivation and furrowing his brow. That in itself was worrying because sometimes it would take a lot of work to snap him out of that sort of state.

Despite this, Spill continued to work on brushing his hair and quickly finished up. Stepping back and walking around him, she was very proud of her work. He didn't have any stray hairs sticking out, his hair was much flatter, and he looked as neat as she'd probably ever see him. Honestly, she thought he looked pretty cute.

Oh, Grill and Chill have got to see this! They just have to know the tea! She whipped out her phone and took a picture of him, but she didn't turn down the volume, so the sound was loud and clear and snapped Brew out of his trance.

"... Did you just take a picture of me?" "Uh... perhaps?"

Brew got up and tried to take the phone out of her hand, and Spill became super giddy and started laughing. "You have to delete that photo!" Brew exclaimed as he repeatedly tried to take the phone to no avail. "Hey, hey! What's the big issue? You look great!" "I know you're going to try to send that to Chill and Grill. That's a really big issue!" 

"Okay, okay. Look, I'm deleting it now." She faced the photo towards him and pressed delete. "Are you happy now?" Spill asked, wiping small tears of laughter from her eyes and still giggling. Apparently, her laughter was contagious, and Brew started laughing as well. "Yes, I am."

Brew and Spill spent the next moment laughing together about that. "Do you really think I look okay?" He asked after they calmed down, touching his now untangled hair. "Oh, yeah! I like it. But you can mess it up all you want, though, now that I've had my fun." Spill smiled and started to pack up her things. Brew blushed and smiled timidly. He couldn't remember the last time someone told him that he looked good, much less great. 

"Oh, and before I go, here's the brush." "Thanks." Brew took the brush offered by Spill.

"Bye bye!" Spill said as she opened the door. "See you later, Spill." The two waved goodbye. Once she closed the door, Brew smiled to himself, poured himself more coffee, and continued to read "Coffee vs. Tea." He could leave this new hairdo as it was for a little while longer.


On her way home, Spill opened the "Recently Deleted" folder on her phone, restored the photo of Brew, and sent it to Grill. After all, this scoop was too good to keep to herself.


"Ey, Chill, Spill just sent me somethin'. I swear I'm gonna flip if it's another cat pic." Grill pouted. "You do you, big guy. Just let me soak in this ethereal fresh air for a while longer." Chill was currently in a Tree Pose and trying to meditate.

"hOLY F*** TRUMPET! CHILL, LOOK AT THIS!" Grill shoved the phone in front of Chill's face, and once Chill realized that the boy he was looking at was Brew, he almost fell backwards. Chill took the phone, thoroughly examining the picture with pure confusion on his face.

"I mean, that's just wrong. That should be a crime. That's unnatural. I just- nO! WHY???" Grill was pacing back and forth, trying and failing to comprehend Brew with neat hair. Chill was left on his knees, speechless, with a confused smile on his face. 


Hey, you made it to the end of the story! If you made it this far, you're probably thinking that I'm very obsessed with this ship. And you're right. These two seriously need more interactions and it's bugging me--

a h e m

Anyway, thank you for reading! If you liked it or have any suggestions on anything, feel free to leave a comment! Stay safe and healthy and enjoy your day~

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