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The one thing everyone knows is too never look an Enderman in the eye.

But what happens if you don't look away?

My name is Endralla, I live in the End.  I wasn't born, I don't know how or if I was created, all I know was that I was here.  I am the only one here who knows the story of the Enderman.  That guy Soren, sure, he knew a few things about them, and he too cared about them as much as I do.  But he doesn't know the whole story.  In fact, I'm probably the only one who knows their story.  

Not many know it, but I'm someone you may know as a "Old Builder", I still hate that name.  I'm actually pretty young, like, 18!  But yeah, I know recipes that not many others may know.  Such as building the End frames, how to get Ender pearls, etc.  But now, were free, at a cost.  They came, they killed her.  

Well, killed is a strong word.  It was more like they used some sort of wizard block 

Most left the End.  I couldn't.  I wanted to, but I couldn't, physically.  I was still stuck here.  Only  one stayed.  She became my best friend.  Lucia.  She was also an Enderman, but she was different.  She was more advanced than the others.  The first thing I experienced when coming here was to not look an Enderman in the eyes.  Well, this brings me back to my point.  When I met Lucia, I looked directly at her eyes.  But instead of looking in away, I kept staring.

I kept staring in her eyes as she did the same with mine.  We seemed to connect a little more than the others.  Sure, I could speak the Enderman language, heck, you could understand them if they weren't so distorted.  

Soon, my eyes got really tired, I was about to look away but she beat me to it.  She looked away, letting me blink.  I heard her teleport away and back here.  I held my eyes closed, waiting to her the angry noises, but I didn't.  Instead, when I opened my eyes, I saw her with a chorus fruit.  She looked at me, and nudged her head to the fruit.  I slowly took it, and she didn't rage quit on me when I took it from her.(Another thing I have learned not to do while being here.)

And that was it.  (Mostly) Everyone else left but us.  She was a good friend.  We both connected deeper, she could hold more blocks than the others, she also doesn't attack anyone when they look in her eyes.  She has a great fashion sense!  And that's how things  were, for literal years.  I had become a little more like an Enderman and gained teleportation abilities from eating chorus fruit.  I can only teleport small distances, getting better at it though.  I also made a bit of a elytra coarse.  Super fun!  But I'm now wondering why the End ships have dragon heads on the front.  Now curious on how the Ender dragon was here originally here...  Lets move on from that topic!

Me and Lucia were here for years, having fun with elytra, making buildings out of ugly purples and yellows, until one day.  One day, there were more strangers, not that Soren guy that kept coming back.  These guys were different,  new people.  And, like most that come here(Which is like, nobody) they were scared of the remaining Enderman.(Apparently a lot more than I realized.)  They were talking about that Soren guy(that's how I learned his name.)

I followed them up the stairs that Soren guy made.  I beat them up to there due to the amazing power of elytra!  "Whoa."  It took me a bit to get adjusted to the lighting since the End is sooooooooooo dark.  When my eyes could see it, I didn't want to look away.  There I was, at the top of a room full of colors that weren't purple an yellow.  I looked down, tried not to get blinded, and saw a girl with black hair, orange barrette, blue overalls, red tank top, and brown shoes.

"What do you see?!"  said a male voice.  "Please don't say more stairs."  Said another voice, more exhausted than the other.  "It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen!"  Said the girl with black hair.  The trapdoor behind the girl opened up and a boy with blond hair and blue eyes came up.  "So bright."  He sighed and he rubbed his eyes.  Another girl with dark skin and a green hat with goggles came.  Two more people came, a girl with a blue bandanna and a guy in green and shaggy black hair.

There was also a... pig?  Okay then, you do you I guess...

The guy with the green outfit and shaggy hair tripped and fell on the blond boy, tumbling down, an landing on him.  He groaned in defeat and said "That's my body, Axel.  My broken, battered, body."  He said, as "Axel" got off him.  "Hang on a second"  The girl with black hair said.  She slowly touched a green and brown object and stepped back quickly.  "What in the- it's made of wool!"  She shouted.  Hmm, so that's what that is.

"The tree...the grass...its all... wool!"  She yelled again.  Is this something new or?...  

"You're telling me, we've been resting all our hopes on this guy, and the whole time he's been building some... totally artificial Happyland?!"  Blond Boy yelled angrily.  They all sat in silence.  "Well, its real wool."  Axel said, trying to lift up hopes.  "Could it be that he just...missed home?"  The girl in black hair questioned.  "If you miss home, you go and visit.  You don't build an exact replica."  Blond boy stated.

This is what their home looks like?  That must be amazing.

"We came here for nothing!"  The blond boy yelled as he threw a wool block and stormed off.  

"What are we even supposed to do now?!"  He said.  "We CAME here for Soren, and his Formidi-bomb.  That's still the plan."  The black hair girl said stubbornly.  "Just look around, Jesse!  If the greatest builder of all time has spent years working on this, what're the chances he'll even have that bomb, huh!"  Blond boy shouted.  "I've had enough crazy for one day."  He grumbled as he stormed off.  

"What's his problem?  He seems pretty upset."  The girl in the blue bandanna asked.  "I don't know what's eating him."  Jesse admitted.  They all shrugged it off and they spread out.  The lights ahead me flickered off suddenly.  Jesse went to talk with the girl in the blue bandanna.  My feet were getting hot from all of the lights I was standing on and I looked for a place where I could go cool my feet off.  I spotted a ledge with a small waterfall.  It was too far to teleport there, so I would have to risk gliding there with my elytra.

I was a little hesitant on deciding on going there.  It's not that I'm afraid of water, in fact, I'm actually fine with it.  It doesn't hurt me like it does with the Enderman, It's just that I can't swim.  I looked around to make sure no one was looking, which I thought was the case.  

I stepped back and jumped, soon gliding in the air and landing to the waterfall.  "What the-!?"  I heard a voice.  I quickly turned around and hid behind a block.  I peeked and saw the boy with blond hair looking directly at me, wide eyed.  I squeaked quietly and hid behind a plank quickly.  "Did you see that?!"  Asked blonde boy.  I peeked again and saw Jesse with him.  He was pointing to where I was and Jesse looked over to where I was.  I hid quickly, soon popping back out after she turned back around.

"I don't see anything Lukas?  What was it?"  Jesse asked.  "I saw- know what, never mind.  What do you want?"  He said, slightly stuttering.  He squinted his eyes at my position, not seeing me anymore.  They continued on with their chat as I watched them all secretly.  I heard some weird noises and felt a burning stare behind me and turned around, unfazed by what I saw.  I quickly took her hand and hid Lucia with me.  

"What are you doing here?!"  I whispered/scolded her.  She looked down and said something in her language.  "Yes, I am also curious about these strangers, but I told you to stay!"  She made another noise which I know was a sigh.  "Okay, okay, I'm sorry.  I just don't want you to get hurt!  I do worry y'know."  I said to her.  She nodded.  


We turned around and saw Jesse walking away from a wall, a lever pulled.  A part of the wall opened up and Jesse and co. walked in.  Lucia teleported in front of me while I followed them on my elytra.  That Lukas guy was looking all over, probably trying to find me.  Me and Lucia landed on a chandelier while watching everyone below us.  I saw Jesse and the girl with goggles enter a room.  I tapped Lucia's shoulder and pointed to where they went, I signaled her to stay while I follow them.  She nodded and I teleported over to them.


Okay, I know this is new, but I love MCSM so I don't really want to die since everyone is convinced there won't be a season three.  So I decided to try and keep in alive for a little longer with a book.  I will be updating my Lloyd x Reader soon, so don't worry about that.  Also, if you want me to keep up with this series go ahead and comment it here!

c u soon!  - Love, L.F.

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