Prolouge (For Real this Time)

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To be honest, you guys should have seen the whole "April Fools" joke coming. Cause, you know, it's April Fools, people are gonna make jokes.

But, regardless, I do have the actual story, prologue and all, and, seeing as how keeping it to myself won't do me any good, I figured I'll release it here and then skidaddle on with my life.

Now, before you ask, does this mean I'm coming back? It doesn't. Not even by a long shot. I just got really fucking bored during quarantine, and I needed something to do, so I made this. Don't expect anything from me anytime soon after this.

With that being said, I hope ya enjoy and stay safe out there.


"What to do... what to do..." A very bored said as he tapped the end of his pencil in front of his desk. "Well yeah, generally that could work...? No, that's too stupid."

Turning his chair around, he took outside of window, looking for a spark of inspiration. However, all he got was a branch, shaking in the wind, a few leaves slowly breaking off and flying off into the wind. Turning his chair back around, he slumped into it, unsure of how to go by this task. He was currently working on an essay for school, given how it was the end of the first semester. And of course, in proper school fashion, one of the finals given to him was to write an essay. While the instructions on how to go by this particular paper were given, he just hadn't a clue on what to write. Truly, he had no cunning or clever ideas in mind.

"Christ this is hard." He commented once more before crossing his arms.

"(Y/N)! Dinner's ready!" A female voice from downstairs called. Our protagonist, (Y/N), heard her, before getting up from his chair.

"Coming!" He replied, leaving his assignment behind. Not like he cared much about it anyway, but that's beside the point. Grabbing a zip up hoodie, he swiftly put it over his normal T-Shirt before entering the hallway and quickly walking down the stairs. Walking into the living room, (Y/N) stepped over Chewy, his Golden Retriever, whom was taking a nap for being a good boi. A "walking cloud" as a few of his friends would call her. Some more mindless walking later and down into a chair did (Y/N) go. And coincidentally enough, right as he did, his mother had placed a plate of food in front of him.

"Ah, there you are, kid." A man with glasses spoke in front of him. "You know how your mother gets if you're late for dinner." He said folding his newspaper before putting it down.

"Course I do. Been alive for nearly eighteen years now, dad. I think I know how both of you work by now." You said picking up a fork and digging it. Nothing could have beaten his mother's cooking.

"Yeah, well, neither of us'll hear the end of it, so be lucky you got here just in time." He said doing the same as you.

"Oh hush you too. Just eat your dinner before I tell both of you to go to your rooms." Your mother said, sitting herself down.

Dinner was the same as usual: your father would read a bit of the paper, your mother would make comments on what was said, and you'd secretly give Chewy a bit of your food while the two bickered about... well something. Overall, it was generally a good old dinner evening with your family. And we can't forget Chewy, either, for helping you eat all of your vegetables, too. She shall definitely be rewarded with some treats later on, that was for sure. As your mother took your empty plate, your father followed her with his in hand, as it was his turn to help dry the dishes. As he did, you noticed the newspaper, it shifting from his side of the table to your mothers side. While you weren't exactly too into reading the daily news, something on the front page stood out to you. Obviously, it wasn't the sports section, as you didn't do so hot with those, either. However, instead, it was the face of a familiar looking animatronic.

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