part 1

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Alastor was walking slowly down the empty street. After all there was no reason to rush to one of his most favorite spots in the town: the bar. The moon in the sky had reflected off of his glasses and illuminated his tall, skinny, figure as he continued to walk. He didn't know what could be awaiting him one he arrived at the illegal but yet still open bar.

Angel dust was of course already there seeing Alastor he slowly walked up to him "hay hot stuff what are you here?" ( he said)

Alastor looked confused for a couple seconds before he recognized him. "Oh, nothing. I go here all of the time, I'm surprised you've just noticed." He said, going over to the bartender and ordering his drink.

Angel dust looked surprise for a moment and replied "Of course I noticed it's not like a sexy red demon comes here all the time !" (As he ordered a drink as well)

Alastor spit out his drink and stuttered "s-s-sexy red demon what makes you think that!" he blushed and started to drink faster

( note hehe I should live you on a cliff hanger come back and see what happens in part 2)

Radiodust (  Alsator x Angel dust ) FluffWhere stories live. Discover now