Chapter two

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Today is the day I met my brother im so happy but scared but more happy I just want to see him already there was a knock at the door and I run to get it hi you ready to go meet your brother yes I'm more then ready I said ok come on then she said I'm sitting in the car on the way to meet my brother im so excited after about a 30 minute drive she stop ok he is in there waiting for you she said ok thank you very much for helping me find him and setting up this meeting i said it's my job now go meet your brother she said thank you I replied leaving the car and walking in to the hotel and in to the lobby and there he was my brother
Hi I'm Abby hi there im Jon we shake hands and sit down at a table we get talking and I find out my dad was in prison I was shocked at first
So do you have any other family I mean like my adopted parents have 2 kids and to me they are my sisters I've grown up with them so is there like any other bothers or sisters I should no about I asked
Nope sorry just me he replied oh ok then so I take it you don't get on with dad then I asked I could see he didn't really wanna talk about it no he got locked up when I was really young he said oh so it's just you and your mum then I could see the look in his eyes it was hard to see
No it's just me my mum died when I was a kid he said oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean t- he cut me of
Don't worry how were you to no he said well at least you have me now that's if you want me in your life i said
Of course I do your my sister why wouldn't I want you in my life he asked I don't no I said we laughed abit then we left to go get some food we were stopped on the way by a little kid asking for Jon to take a picture with him but the boy called him Dean I got really confused I thought he was mixing Jon up with someone else until Jon said yeah and took a picture with him after that we kept walking
So what was that all about Dean I said it a weird way on don't worry that was just a fan he said laughing abit
I'm confused what do you do I asked. Haha I'm a wrestler he said I looked at him in shock
What really I asked yeah my ring name is Dean Ambrose he said oh my god my sisters are in love with you they always talk about you but I was to busy trying to find you that I didn't watch wwe for ages I didn't even no I said
Oh really he said yeah they are gonna freak when I tell them do you know what we should do I said what let me guess trick them he said how you know I was gonna say that I said laughing im up for it what do you wanna do he asked
Take a picture I'll say I met you today and they will freak out and then after a while I say that your real name is Jonathan good and they will know that your my brother and freak out even more I said haha ok cool lets do it he said ok I said

We took they picture and said our goodbyes for now and I went to met my sisters and yup like I said the freak out and then I told them he was my brother and they just got played then begged me to get him to meet them he said yes but he won't be able to until next week as he as work to do I said ok we talked on the phone for ages he asked me to come down to meet him tomorrow and I could go backstage at the show I said yes off course I'm so happy right now my life couldn't get any better

dean ambrose has a sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora