Chapter 12: Good times

Start from the beginning

"Where it will be this time, my friend and her dog?"

"To Waverley, please."

"Your wish is my command."

When we got into the place, Lauren immediately jumped out of the car, making sure she is masked with her hood up.

"Wow this took you long enough, I thought I would fall asleep. I need shopping for my survival." 

"What's wrong with your girlfriend?" Melanie joined me and we walked into the shop too.

"I don't know, it's just hard to control her today. I think that she is experiencing crisis."

"Oh, I see. And she is an introvert? You must have so much fun with a nerd like her. So, what's the plan? What do we need to buy?"

"I need chicken!" Lauren said without even thinking.

"Listen, lady. In my town, I am making decisions." I answered, teasing her.

"Too bad that I have more money than you, babe. I am going to find it without you." She stuck out her tongue and left us.

"Come back, you are shopping with us!"

"Mel, let her go. I love seeing her overcoming fears of people and being social. I bet that she will find nothing, she doesn't even know what is what in this shop. I came to buy some milk, ice cream and avocados. Would you want something too?"

"A beer."

"Melanie. Please don't embarrass yourself again, not especially in front of my girlfriend."

"I was joking, bestie. You should really have some taste in humor." I was about to slap her shoulders when we met with Lauren and she was actually having chicken in her shopping cart. Like how?

"Look what I have, losers. Who is a loser now?" She winked at me.

"But how? I bet someone put it in your shopping cart." I started being jealous this time, I want to have Lauren's sense of orientation.

"Honey, I think that it flew into my shopping cart because it knows that I love it. We have just energy between us."

"Oooo, Jasmine! She is going to leave you for some chicken!" Melanie almost collapsed on floor because of how much she was laughing.

I was about to go and pay but then I saw oranges and they were on sale. I decided to buy them too.

I ripped off the sachet and started filling it with that juicy fruit. 

"What are you doing now, lady?" Lauren suddenly appeared next to me.

"Buying oranges?"

"Nice. You want to buy oranges but you forgot to buy my orange. I see how it is."

"I am sorry for that I wasn't your fan that time, okay? Now, let me continue."

"Wait! How much this will cost? You just can't take all of them! That's so much! Don't come and beg me to pay for all of this then."

"Lauren, stop controlling my life. I am an adult too."

"No! I won't let you buy just everything you see! I am not controlling you, these stupid sales are! Give these ones back, you can have these ones."

"Ugh, since it's you. I will listen."

"See? It didn't even hurt. So I am not that bad with pets as I thought. They listen to me. C'mon, pet, we are going to pay for these goods."

"Oh my gosh, why are you like this today?"

"Everybody has those days. Buying groceries is so boring, I need to browse on clothes already. Don't make me want any longer with buying anything else. I have no patience to wait for tons of meal."

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