Chapter 2 | Part 2.2

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Hanako walked into the shop, there were not many people there. The inside was decorated with plants, some pictures on the walls, there were many tables with chairs and the counter was also beautifully decorated. He walked over to the counter and ordered tea for himself and some hot chocolate for Tsukasa.

He then made his way to the table near a window and not far from the entrance, the exact one he pointed out when telling his brother where he would wait for him. Hanako looked around the cafe and then out the window, he didn't bring anything with him except for his wallet and phone, but he didn't want to use the second item as it would look weird if he was using it in gloves.

The drinks he ordered we're set on the table by a waiter, who left as quickly as he came. The amber eyes once more looked out the window, observing the people outside.


Nene still had around 15 minutes until her shift. She walked to the café, noticing the amber eyes set on her as she entered the door, and when she looked in the direction the stare was coming from, she saw a person with a familiar appearance as her friend, only the person didn't have that energetic aura, Tsukasa had.

She stared back at him, only to notice that he wasn't staring at her face, the eyes were locked on her bag with many key chains of her idol. She blushed slightly at the stranger with a small shy smile and hurried to the staff only part of the shop.

She looked at her bag and the key chains on them.

"That person kinda looks like Hanako...." She said quietly, while Changing into her work uniform.

"Don't be silly Nene an idol wouldn't come to this café, it's not that known." She quickly dismissed her first thought, tying her long crème and teal colored hair into a ponytail, before making her way into the main part of the café, where she started working behind the counter.


Hanako spotted Tsukasa as made his way over to him after walking out of the store, with a bag of things he bought in hand. The younger boy entered the shop, only to realize that he was probably in trouble when Nene entered his field of view. He didn't know she worked here, his eyes panicking what about what he should do.

"Tsukasa, here!" Hanako waved his hand to his brother, who was still panicking, but at the moment his brother called him, he slumped his shoulders a bit, as if he accepted the fate awaiting him.

He watched the younger boy pull the chair and sit on it, hanging his school bag on the chair. He didn't understand why he was so panicked and was slumping.

"What's wrong Tsukasa, normally you would be either all over me or super happy about the hot chocolate. Why are you panicking?" He asked his brother, leaning on his hands with worry filling his eyes and tone.

Tsukasa sighed, looking up from his drink to his brother in front of him.

"That girl with beige and teal hair is my friend from school, Nene, she's a year above me" he started, his voice was quieter than usually, as if he was whispering so nobody heard him. He got closer to his brother, and whispered to him, this part certainly shouldn't be heard by others.

"She knows that I had a brother, and she knows that my brother, being you Amane, is dead." After finishing the sentence he sat back down in his chair, eyes focused on the drink in front of him against.

Hanako knew they were screwed now, the worry he had disappeared, instead panic took over him, he was so screwed.


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