I - The Android Sent By Cyberlife

Start from the beginning

He opened a back door, and Connor pushed open the metal covering.

He looked down at the wet grass and mud.

"The door was locked from the inside. Killer must of got out this way."

Hank said, leaning against the door frame.

"There are no footprints apart from officer Collins' size ten shoes."

Connor said over his shoulder,

"Well this happened weeks ago right?"

I asked confused.

"Right. The tracks could of faded."

Hank said, walking to stand beside Connor to look in the mud.

"No, this type of soil would've retained a trace."

Connor told us.

"Nobody's been out here for a long time."

Then Connor walked back into the house.

I chuckled at Hank,

He turned,

"What's so funny?"

I patted his shoulder,

"Oh Hank, you need to start accepting the world of technology."

"Just because that thing is such a pretty boy and a smart computer doesn't mean-"

"Detective, Lieutenant, I think I figured out what happened."

Our conversation was cut short as both of us walked back inside to talk to Connor.

"Oh yeah?"

Hank scoffed with crossed arms and I shot him a look,

"Shoot. I'm all ears."

He said after seeing my withering look.

"It all started in the kitchen."

We all walked into the kitchen,

"There're obvious signs of a struggle... the question is, what exactly happened here?"

Hank said, looking at Connor.

"I think the victim attacked the android with the bat."

I nodded, impressed.

"That lines up with the evidence. Nice work Connor."

I smiled at him,

"Go on."

Hank told him,

"The android stabbed the victim."

I walked over to where the knife rack was.

"So the android was trying to defend itself right?"

I asked,

"Okay then what happened?"

Hank questioned,

"The victim fled to the living room."

We all walked over to the corpse.

"And he tried to get away from the android."

I sighed,

"All right. That makes sense."

Hank said, seeming impressed as well.

"The android murdered the victim, with the knife."

I nodded, with a grin looking at Hank like I told you so.

"Ok, your theory's not totally ridiculous. "

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