6: Is This a Date?

Start from the beginning

Taehyung smiled which gave Jimin the idea that it went well. "I figured it wouldn't take long, he is exactly your type." Jimin continued.
"He is adorable and his eyes are big and he looks like a bunny when he smiles so softly. Sometimes he looks too cute that I just wanna bully him when he does something clumsy." Taehyung said.

"Wow you fell so hard whatever happened to you didn't need anyone you were fine on your own?" Jimin said. "Well Jiminie that was before I met Kookie." Taehyung made a face at Jimin and they both laughed. The two friends chatted some more before Jimin had to leave so he wouldn't be late to class. Taehyung stayed at the cafe so he could review his notes from class.

Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin finished having lunch and decided to go watch a movie together since it was Friday. Jungkook would rather be texting Taehyung but he didn't want to text first because he just barely got his phone number. As the friends were walking they passed by a cafe and Jungkook noticed a familiar looking blue head of hair.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook shouted excitedly as he made his way over to the boy. Taehyung was putting his notes away before looking up and seeing Jungkook. "Hey Kookie what are you doing here?" Taehyung gave him a warm smile. "Oh I was just going to the movies with some friends until I saw you and I wanted to say hi." Jungkook answered with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"You must be Taehyung." Namjoon said as he and Jin walked up to them. "Yes that's me you must be friends of Kookie." "Kookie?!" Jin asked. "Whenever I called you that you would ge-" "THIS is Namjoon and that's Jin." Jungkook interrupted him as he introduced the two, "anyways what are you doing right now Taehyung?"

"Ah I just finished reviewing some notes and I was gonna head home soon." Taehyung replied. Jungkook was a little upset. He would've sat and had a coffee with Taehyung if they would've left earlier. Namjoon noticed that Jungkook looked a little disappointed so he said, "Well if you don't have plans want to go catch a movie with us? It's a scary movie!"

"What!? I hate scary movies you know that!" Jin pouted. "It's ok my worldwide cutie I will make sure to hold onto you so you're not scared." Namjoon replied as he winked at him. "Besides Kook chooses the movie today and you know he loves scary movies."

"Oh really?" Taehyung raised a brow. He couldn't believe someone as cute as Jungkook was into scary movies. "Yeah I love them." Jungkook replied with a giggle. "Well if Kookie chose it then I guess there's no harm in going."

Jungkook was ecstatic that he was going to spend the afternoon with Taehyung. He is so lucky they bumped into him. They all began to walk together and Taehyung made sure to walk next to Jungkook. As they finally got to the theater they went inside and bought the tickets then they went to get popcorn and drinks.

As they walked into the room and sat down they watched the previews while waiting for the movie to start. Once the lights dimmed Taehyung leaned into Jungkook and whispered, "I'm actually not good with scary movies so make sure to hold my hand when I get scared." Jungkook turned redder than a tomato and was happy that it was too dark to tell.

Jungkook couldn't focus on the movie because Taehyung kept holding his hand on the scary parts but you couldn't even tell he was scared his face was showing no expression. Once the movie ended Jungkook let go of Taehyung's hand and stood up.

"I have to go use the bathroom I'll meet you guys by the entrance." Jungkook said as he hurried out. The rest of them exchanged confused looks as they made there way to the entrance to wait for Jungkook.

Jungkook went into the bathroom and washed his face. "Calm down my heart! Calm down. You were only holding hands. No big deal." He said to himself. That was the first time he held hands with someone he liked. It felt warm and cozy but his heart felt like it was going to explode. After awhile he finally calmed down and met with the rest of them.

"Well that was fun but I think Jin and I are gonna go home for today." Namjoon said with a fidgety and scared Jin holding onto his arm. "We'll see ya on Monday Kook." He said as the two lovers walked away hand in hand.

"So which way are you walking?" Taehyung asked Jungkook. "I go this way what about you?" Jungkook answered. Taehyung smiled, "Same." They both began to walk home. "So how did you like the movie?" Taehyung asked.
"Um it was good I guess." Jungkook answered. "I liked the plot but it was really scary." Taehyung said as he smirked over at Jungkook.

Jungkook glanced up at Taehyung and admired his beauty. He was very beautiful, Jungkook already knew that, but up close he could see every detail and engraved them into his brain. Taehyung had very strong eyebrows that made him look manly. From Jungkook's angle he could see three moles on Taehyung's face. One on his cheek, one on his lip and one on his neck. They were cute.

"I can feel you staring." Taehyung smiled as he looked over at Jungkook, "What? Am I handsome?" Jungkook scratched the back of his head and looked down before he said, "Y-yeah. Very."

"Good," Taehyung continued, "at least I know you're attracted to me." He is too bold Jungkook thought to himself, how can someone be so bold. They finally reached Jungkook's apartment. "This is my stop." He said as they stopped walking.

"No way we live close to each other." Taehyung answered. "I'm just about 5 more minutes that way. Wow. If we lived this close I wonder why we never bumped into each other before." Jungkook nodded his head in agreement to that statement. "I guess I'll text you tomorrow?" Jungkook asked as if he was asking if it was ok to text Taehyung.

"Yeah. You can text me whenever you want Kookie." Taehyung patted his head and smiled. "Well I'll head home now then. Bye Kookie." Taehyung got on his bike and began to ride home.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung became smaller and then went inside. He began to jump up and down in excitement. "Did I just go on a date!? He even walked me home!" Jungkook thought to himself. He can't wait for tomorrow.

Once Taehyung got home he greeted Yeontan and gave him some more food. "He was just too cute today." He said to himself as he smiled down at Yeontan. "I might have finally met the person I was waiting for Yeontan. Now I just have to wait. Until tomorrow."

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