7: Definitely A Date

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Taehyung got up and checked the time. 7:30. He woke up before his alarm clock again but that's fine he can go walk Yeontan early today. "I wonder if Kookie is awake right now." He thought to himself, "He probably looks really cute with his bed hair."

Taehyung got up and fixed himself some breakfast and made sure to give Yeontan some food as well. He kept remembering last night. "Kookie looked so panicked at the movies it was cute." He chuckled lightly. After he finished his breakfast he changed and grabbed Yeontan's collar before heading out.

Today Taehyung decided to go a different route than usually so he can walk by Jungkook's place and maybe even see him outside? As he approached the building there was no sign of Jungkook which made him a bit upset but it was understandable he is probably the only student that wakes up early on weekends.

He continued with his walk, making sure to stop every time Yeontan looked like he needed to sniff something new. Taehyung walked by the supermarket and decided to go buy some groceries while he was there. Good thing the owner loves animals that way he didn't have to leave Yeontan outside.

"Good morning Ajumma!" Taehyung greeted the owner making sure to flash her a smile. "Good Morning Taehyung. Good to see such a handsome boy come in the store once in awhile." The owner giggled and continued to unbox some juices. "Here let me help." Taehyung finished unboxing and made sure to stack them up neatly.

"Oh what I would do for a son-in-law like you." The ajumma said. Taehyung gave her a nervous laugh. Oh if only she knew even if she had a daughter Taehyung had his eyes on someone else. Taehyung went on to buying his groceries then paid and left.

As he walked back home he checked the time . "9:30" When he passed by Jungkook's place he saw no sign of him. "Ah it would have been lucky if he was outside." Taehyung sighed as he unhooked Yeontan's leash off. He sat down on the couch and pulled out his phone.

"Would it be weird to call him? What would I even say?" Taehyung thought to himself, "should I asked him to hang out?" His thoughts filled his head until finally he decided to call. He scrolled through his contacts until he got to the one he was looking for, "Kookie 🍪" after some more thought he dialed the number.

🎶You got me dripping in finesse🎶 Jungkook woke up to his phone ringing. He glanced at his clock and was irritated. "Who calls at 10:30 in the morning on a Saturday!?" He grudgingly says as he reaches for his phone. His mood changes instantly when he sees who was calling. "Taehyung💕" He nearly falls out of his bed trying to sit up.

"Hey Kookie. Morning! Did I wake you?"

"No of course not I was already up about to make myself food haha."

"Oh perfect... I was just wondering if you had plans for today? "

"NOPE!... uh I mean no I don't have plans haha. Why?"

"Do you want to go have lunch with me?."

"Absolutely! Where should we meet up?"

"I can go pick you up at your place around 12? If that's ok with you."

"That's perfect! Noon it is. See ya later Taehyung"

"See ya Kookie."

Jungkook could barely hold in his excitement. He fell back on his bed with the biggest smile. "Yesterday I hung out with Taehyung and now today as well?! I have been blessed." He said to himself.

Jungkook quickly got up and went straight to the shower. Once he got out it was time to choose the perfect outfit. "Hmm what should I wear today... ah!" Jungkook reached for his go to "sexy/cute" look. "Perfect." He said.

His "sexy/cute" look consisted of his black skinny jeans that accentuated his small waist but made his butt look good, his nice white shirt, that was a bit see through but in a classy way, and his salmon button up long-sleeve, without buttoning it up so that it made him look adorable.

Of course he can't forget to add accessories. He put on his black choker and his circle glasses. Then he went to the bathroom to add some mousse to his hair. He styled his hair to have a side part and made sure to give it that natural curl again. He grabbed his hoop earrings to finish up the look.

After brushing his teeth he put on some chapstick, he went with watermelon flavor today, and checked the time. 11:20. "Ah why does time have to go by so slowly." He sighed as he jumped back onto his bed. "Well there's nothing else to do but wait." He said as he pulled out his phone and started to catch up on social media.

"Yes!" Taehyung jumped up in excitement. He was so happy that Jungkook was gonna have lunch with him. "I gotta go shower!" Taehyung said as he made his way to his room. He went straight to his closet to pull out some clothes.

He decided to wear a green button up with a white flower pattern on it and some light brown pants. He also pulled out his green jacket. "Ok let's head to the shower." He said. After he came out he styled his hair.

He decided to go with a pushed back style so that you could see his eyebrows. Once he was finished he put on a black belt and some rings to finish up his look. "I hope Kookie likes this style." He said as he looked in the mirror. "Oh. I should post a full body picture on insta."

Taehyung pulled out his phone and took some pictures. After finally deciding on one he liked he posted it with the caption "first date, kinda nervous." He checked the time. 11:45. "I guess it's time to head out. Taehyung grabbed his keys, put on his shoes, and said goodbye to Yeontan before heading out.

Jungkook, still on social media got a text from Jimin.

»»————-                             ————-««

Hey Kook! Check this out I'm sure you're gonna like it 😉.


»»————-                             ————-««

Jungkook clicked on the link and almost choked on his spit. It was a picture of Taehyung looking as fine as ever. He looked too good to be real. After staring at the picture, for who knows how long, Jungkook finally read the caption and squealed in delight. "So this is an actual date!"

He got up quickly, after giving Taehyung a follow on insta, and made sure his hair still looked good then he went over to the bathroom and grabbed his favorite red lip tint.

"If he says this is a date then I have to make sure I'm ready for anything." Jungkook thought as he applied the tint. Then he grabbed some lip gloss and applied just enough so that it brought attention to his lips. He grabbed his light pink blush and applied a small amount to his nose.

"Ok I look cuter than ever." Jungkook nodded to himself as he looked in the mirror. Suddenly he got a text. It was from Taehyung!

»»————-                             ————-««

"Hey Kookie. I'm outside whenever you're ready."


»»————-                             ————-««

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