✺ Jeonghan ✺

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You excitedly woke up from your slumber because you remembered you had to attend a fan meeting with Seventeen.

You really determined to earn a money to attend this fan meet. Finally your God has accepted your wish.

This is your first meeting with your idols and talk with them face to face. So it's actually a very important fanmeet to you.

You already put the shirt aside to wear it for today. You get up and walk to your curtain to slide open. You smile seeing today will had a good weather.

You hummed some of Seventeen songs. You went to your kitchen to make your breakfast since you woke up a little bit too early. I mean early it's had 5 more hours before the fanmeet start.

You twirled around while you mixed-up the ingredients. Then you pour the ingredients into the pan.

You made a mess inside of your kitchen. Which you had to clean it up before you go there. You flipped over the pancakes and wait for 2 minutes.

Ready to eat!  You thought to yourself.

You put the pancakes on your plate, nicely. You sprayed some cream on the pancakes. And place the chocolate on the cream.

It's looks surprisingly good since you not know much about cooking. You eat the pancakes. You made a sound since the pancakes is so good.

You mentally praise yourself about your cooking skills. While you eat the pancakes, you turn on the TV. Which had Seventeen on the screen. You singing loudly, follow the rhythms.

You finally finished your foods after you enjoying yourself. You look at your watch against the wall, it's already 10 a.m. You don't know you had too much fun before the fanmeet.

You washed all the utensils. You clean up the kitchen a little bit. And went to your bedroom. You reach the towel and made your way to your bathroom.

You really had a good time today so you use your highly-priced shampoo. You used this shampoo when you feel really happy. Because you know this shampoo really expensive. So I want to used it really thrifty.

You finished your bath. You walked out of your bathroom. You went to your dressing table. And grab the hair dryer. You turn on the dryer, and brought it to your hair. Your wet hair changed to dry hair.

You pull the shirt from yesterday, that you already put aside. You wear it. You go back to your dressing table, to make your hairstyle.

You're getting ready to go to the events. You reach out for your handbag, which had your phone, wallet, earphones, charger and your powerbank incase you run out of your phone battery. Oh and don't forget your album and all the presents for each members.

You matched your shoes with your clothes. And ready to go. You take your bus since the events quite far away from your apartment.

You plugged in your earphone into your ear. You nodding a little bit to the Seventeen songs. You really appreciate their vocals and their skills.

You probably know my bias is the only one Jeonghan. You like him for his voice and how gentle he is and don't forget his visual. You smile to yourself just thinking about it.

You already arrived at your destination. You pay your bus fee at the driver and thank the driver.

You look at the events, the places already full of fangirls and fanboys.

Am I too late or they are too early? You thought to yourself again.

You walk to the counter to get your tickets that you purchased it on online. They put it on your wrist as your wristband.

You made your way into the booth, safely since it's a lot of people. You ask some of them to take your picture, turned out its really good picture. You edit the pictures and set as your wallpaper.

You wait for many hours, finally they let you in. You lined up to wait for your turn. You gripped your albums tightly when you see Seventeen walk out from the back stage. While the others scream their lungs, loudly. It's really hurted your ear when this girl behind you started to squealed loudly. You think it's not a squeal but it's screeching.

You had to cupped your ears, preventing the loud sounds. You place the album under your armpit. The sounds soon died down.

You wait for your turn, which had to wait 3 more person infront of you. Finally you reached your turn. The sequence is from the maknae to the elders. So first I meet Dino.

“Hi Dino” you stated shyly. You placed the album on his table while you kneel down since they didn't had a chair.

“Hi! What's your name?” he asked while looking at you cutely.

“y/n” you said while looking at his eyes. He grabbed your hands loosely, after signing the album.

“It's really nice to meet you, y/n” he smiled at you. You passing the gift to him that you bought. He opened the gift and it's a panda ear hairband. He wear it and said “thank you y/n. It's really cute.” he passed the album

You had to moved to your next member, Vernon.

“hi Vernon” you waved a little bit. He smiled at you, more like smirking at you.

He winked at you, which caught you shocked, suddenly felt shy and you hanged your head low.

He laugh a little bit. He ask for your name and hold your hands for awhile.

<Skip to Jeonghan part>

“annyeong Jeonghan-ssi!” you tried to hide your blushing cheeks by looking excited.

He look up from the album to you. He cracked his smile. He hold your hands like the others but this one he stroking your hands with his thumb.

You felt yourself getting warmth. You know this feeling. You started blushing crazily. You mentally fanned yourself.

He closed the albums while slipped a note inside of it. Jeonghan is a last member so you can go home after that.

You opened your album, once you set down your things at home. A note slipped out from the album.

You opened the note,

Call me,
-xoxo ;)

You smiled to yourself while squealing like a teenage girl who their crush confessed to her. Basically this is the same situation.

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I don't know how it feels when you met your idols face to face. Because I've never gotten myself to join a fanmeet or concerts. So I don't know how the process thingy. I just made it up. Feel free to share your experiences with me, I would like to know too.
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