We strolled to see the city lights. I was amazed with how Seoul looked during night time. It was bright and lively. The view was one for the books plus I've got my whole life beside me. He held my hand and kissed the top of my palm.

"I'm sorry I can't date you in a fancy restaurant or in movie theatres. I don't want fans to run after us."

"No, no! Why are you so sorry? You have given me dates that I've thought were only possible in movies. You have given me so much that I couldn't ask for more."

"I ought to give you the best. I will work hard every day for you to realize that you made the right decision in choosing me."


"Should I come with you?" He asked while he's parking the car.

"No, just stay here in the car. It will be a long trip and you'll be driving. You should rest for a while. Make sure no one sees you, okay? I will be quick, promise." I got out of the car and hurried to do the grocery.

We were leaving for Daegu. It was my dad's birthday and we didn't want to miss it.

Before anything else, we dropped by the grocery to do last-minute shopping. I picked up some snacks, canned coffees, hot packs and all other things that we need for the trip. I asked him not to come with me or else, the LA grocery incident would be refuelled.

But I really must have married a hard-headed man.

"Hi, miss. Are you alone or are you with your boyfriend?" He was in his baseball cap, dark hoodies, tattered jeans and Jordans.

"My goodness, why are you here?!" I slapped his shoulders in panic.

"I'm here to help you. You know, grocery items could be heavy."

"I told you to stay in the car!"

"But I got so hungry so I grabbed some doughnuts. Would you like to have one?" He raised a bag full of little fried doughnuts.

"Get back to the car..." I walked fast to stay away from him but his steps were too big that he still was able to chase me.

"No, I don't like!"

"Get back to the car or you'll be paying a shameless amount again for your sloppiness?"

"Who cares? Just let me eat in peace, honey," he seemed to enjoy his doughnuts. His head was banging with the music of the grocery store.

"You can eat inside the car!"

"It will be messy and you'll get mad at me," his excuses were terrible! For the love of God, why is this man acting like a kid?! "And why are you so scared? It's not like we're doing something illegal like stealing. Besides, to remind you Mrs. Kim, this store is a high-end membership store. Fans won't expect to see us here."

Facepalm - exactly was my reaction. He was really annoying. I looked at him and his mouth was filled with powdered sugar. He was like a kid without a mom. "Go now or I'll leave you here in Seoul? I can drive myself to Daegu alone." I threatened him.

"Fine, fine! I'm leaving. But I will wait for you at the exit. I'll help you carry the grocery items, okay?"

I shooed him away. Thank God, he finally was out of my sight and thank God, my threats still work on him.

After paying, I found him waiting for me at the exit. He grinned upon seeing me and ran to me as soon as he caught me in sight.

We were almost running to get back to the car.

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