Don't Fly Too Close To The Sun, Icarus

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Dabi was a hard working villain. He always did what he was told by that wrinkly 'leader' he had. He always babysat the psycho, always helped Twice not cry during situations. He was a good villain. So why is it that he had to watch the bar for Kurogiri just because him and Shigaraki had to go on a trip to Hosu City? This didn't seem right to him, not only that but it was a busy fucking night and the bar was open to the public. Another great idea from the one and only Shigaraki. The League needed money so what's the best course of action? Open the bar to the fucking public. Out of all the idiotic things they could've done to make money, this had to be the stupidest.

The raven haired male cut his losses and kept to himself most of the night. People came and went through the bar as usual but for some reason, more and more heroes were making their way through his little establishment. Now if he was any other second rate villain he would've been nervous about the amount of heroes he had seen. However Dabi was a smart villain and tended to keep his nose out of the public. Usually it was too dark for people to see him while he was doing a job or they died by his blue flames. Only a handful of people knew his identity and they were all way too young to drink, considering they're all UA students. He supposed he should be nervous about the teachers, but he looked as if he didn't want to be there as much as Dabi didn't, so he wasn't too worked up about it.

As the night progressed, however, one hero came in that really caught his eye. This was particular hero wasn't known to be the drinker her was at that moment though. "Yo." He spoke to the sad looking blonde at the end of the bar. 'Looks like Keigo got himself into a shitty mess if he's here getting fucking wasted...' The raven haired male thought. Hawks looked up from his phone and looked to Dabi, he recognized him instantly and slide down the bar stools to sit in front of him. "What are you doing here, Touya?" He asked in a whisper. Dabi sighs and flicks his forehead, his turquoise sending a glare to the hero before he replied. "Keigo. Don't use that name in public." He hissed, cleaning a glass with the rag he had over his shoulder prior. "And I'm working. Isn't it obvious?" He snorted out a chuckle before turning around and putting the glass away. "What brings you here, Keigo? I never thought you'd be one to drink for fun." Dabi knew this wasn't normal, especially with how much the hero had drank. Something was off.

Hawks sighed heavily and basically dropped his head on the bar with a loud thud. He wasn't happy, that was clear as day. Dabi was about to respond when he heard a low whine come from the hero, "Mirko dumped me..." The blonde heroes hair was draped over his face as he let out a sob. 'This is... News...' Dabi thought as he tossed the rag over his shoulder. "Hey man, cheer up... I'm not really good at this whole consoling thing... Here why don't we go out after I get off work? Would that help?" He asked, trying to figure out a way to help his friend get out of this funk of depression. Again the raven haired male wasn't good with showing, sharing, or understanding emotions. He had his 'father' to thank for that mess. However this is his friend he's thinking of, he had to do something to help him.. "A-Are you sure.. Tou- Dabi..?" Hawks replied, lifting his head and allowing his golden yellow eyes meet with the bright turquoise ones. With a heavily sigh, Dabi reluctantly nodded his head and put his hand on the blondes face, wiping away the fallen tears. "Yeah.. We're friends after all, right?"

That's how he ended up at home, drinking beer, with a very intoxicated Hawks. "Okay... Keigo you've had too much, you're done for the night." He sighed, grabbing the beer can from his hand and moving it away from him. This, however, caused the male beside him to whine and grab for the can. "C'mon~! Lemme finsh ta beer, Touya~!" Keigo chuckled, reaching over the dark haired male. He was trying so hard to grab the can that he didn't notice his failed balance that caused him to fall flat onto Dabi's chest. This caused both of them to fall back onto the couch they were sitting on. "No. No you've had enough. You.... Need to...." Dabi couldn't finish his sentence, his eyes watching the yellow ones of the male on his chest. For a long moment they stared at each other, their eyes locked in a confused and silent battle to see who would look away. "Keigo..." He whispered, his eyes moving down to his lips. Those soft pink lips right for the taking.

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