I'd rather be me

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Janis and all the other girls in her grade, sat in the gymnasium awaiting the lecture they all knew was coming. Damien sat next to her in a horrible disguise of sunglasses and a hoodie so he wouldn't be noticed. She had told him to just wait till it was over but he argued with,
"Did we witness the same fight? I'm not letting you in a room of wild animals alone!" She rolled her eyes but gave in anyway. She wouldn't tell him but it was better having him there.
After Mr Duvall tried and failed to talk to the girls, Ms Norbury took over, and actually seemed to be getting somewhere. She told everyone to get up and apologise and confess to the troubles they've caused to their classmates. And after proving a point about Reginald they all obeyed.
One after one, the girls said their quickly written apologies before jumping into the crowd. One of the girls who stood up didn't even go to the school! Which was hilariously pointed out by Damien making Janis snicker a little.
Finally it was Janis's turn to apologise.
"Oh my god, it's her dream come true. Diving into a bunch of girls!" Janis didn't even have to look up from her piece of paper to know who said that.
"Yeah, sure, ok." Janis paused for a second, re-reading the little apology she had scribbled down. "Ok yeah I have an apology. I have a friend, who's a new student here and, I convinced her that it would be fun to mess up Regina George's life, yes." Janis paused for another second to smile at the dumbstruck girls in front of her before continuing. "We gave her these bars that would make her gain weight, and we turned her two best friends against her, and you guys know my friend Caddy, she got Regina, her boyfriend, to DUMP her." Janis laughed a heatless laugh again, "Yeah but it turns out that my friend Cady is just as phoney, and selfish as Regina George. So my apology, is to myself. Cause I really should've known better." She looked over at Damien who gave a nod with a quick thumbs up. She knew what needed to be said.
She took a deep breath.
"So you're best friend screwed you over, acted nice when, she bot nice......"

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