lxiii. Sansa

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Y'all please don't make Sansa such a bitch like damn I know she is at the beginning at points but things really change.

If your OC is just tying to get with her brother I doubt she's gonna hate them so much that that's all she thinks about the whole 8 seasons

Like damn let just forget all her development and just make sure that we make a point every single damn chapter that she's the bad guy that hates your OC bc you OC wants to get with Jon.

It would be cool for once to see Sansa like she is in the show. She's wary and has trust issues understandably but she has bigger problems

that hating some girl.


This didn't make no fucking sense but just down disregard a characters development just because you want to make a villain that disapproves of a LOVE INTEREST.

Okay and also go check out my Jon fic I've been working on for years and I finally got to the pet I've been building up to for years so go check it out 😀😀

Also I miss GOT

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