First question

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Charlotte: okay we have our first question
Chica: oh really who's it for
Seedeater: is the question for me?
Charlotte: no actually it's for sweetie
Seedeater: oh
Sweetie: did you seriously just assume the question was for you
Seedeater: ummm *blushes in embarrassment* yeah that was kind of stupid
Sweetie: yup very stupid
Seedeater: *hides face and lays on the floor in embarrassment*
Sweetie: alright what's my question Charlotte
Charlotte: from DebbieJones305 they would like to know who is your crush
Freddy: I love a good love question
Sweetie: hmmmm well I don't know much about anyone here except for Charlotte and chi chi of course
Chi chi: that's true
Charlotte: yes it is
Sweetie: so right now I say nobody
Candy: really not even on the celebrity
Sweetie: nope
Candy: well that's boring
Charlotte: okay thank you for the question DebbieJones305 let's get ready for the next one

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