Love and Tragedy

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March 15, 2020:

"The COVID-19 pandemic is getting worse every minute. Major sporting events and leagues have been postponed or cancelled altogether. Countries are in nation-wide lockdowns and borders have been closed. Now, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's wife has tested positive for COVID-19. Luckily in BC, there are under 80 confirmed cases, and all have been quarantined. And also, luckily, 6 hours after the NHL postponed league play and the Stanley Cup Playoffs, Canadian doctors have isolated the virus." Explained the BC news broadcaster on our TV. You glanced at your boyfriend Elias, who had relief written all over his face.

"Mess with Canada's sport, and you won't survive," you giggled in an attempt to make him laugh. He looked over and sighed as a little smile crept over his lips.

"Yeah, I guess so," he said sullenly, "Sweden has it bad though."

"Hey, it'll be okay, your mom and dad are coming back soon," you said, knowing he was worried about his parents and his country. He nodded his head and stood up from where we were sitting on the couch.

"Can I have a hug?" He asked quietly.

"Of course," you said as went over to him and wrapped your arms tightly around his body. He held you like he didn't want to lose you. And you didn't want to lose him. You didn't let go for several minutes.

"Thank you," Petey whispered in your ear, "for being here with me and helping me through everything."

"I love you Petey, don't ever forget that," you whispered back, your voice quivering a little bit.

"I love you too (y/n)" he said as he pulled away and gazed into your eyes. His blue eyes glistened in the dim light and he smiled as he looked at you, the love of his life. He held your face in his hands, admiring your beauty. He loved everything about you, and he told you with his eyes. You leaned in and kissed him on the lips lovingly, hoping to alleviate his stress. He kissed you back, compassion flooding through him. You kissed a few more times before going to your bedroom where you and Petey cuddled up together. You had on one of his old Canucks shirts and some short shorts. He wore gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt that you gifted him for his birthday last year. He pulled the covers up and spooned you as he put his arm around you. You grabbed that hand, holding it tightly as you both drifted off to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Elias's phone began to ring. It woke you both up, and you turned to see who it was. It read 'Mamma' and you knew something was wrong.

"It's your mom," you said, worried.

"Shit, pass me the phone," he said, sitting up in bed. You passed it to him and turned the lamp on. He began to talk in Swedish very fast. After a moment or two he got quiet.

"Nej, nej, nej," he said repeatedly, which means 'no' in Swedish.

"Det kan inte vara," he said as tears slid down his cheeks. He said a few more things before hanging up the phone and sobbing into his hands, not making a sound. To see him in this much pain, and not know what's happening is the worst feeling in the world. You begin to cry seeing him like this, and it breaks your heart.

"What happened?" you asked quietly as you held him. He looked up at you, the pain in his eyes tearing you apart with every second that passes.

"My father," he said between sobs, "has passed away in his sleep because of the virus." Sadness and shock fill your body as you begin to cry again.

"Oh no," you whisper as he buries his head into your shoulder. You cried into each other for hours, while you tried to console him. By 4 am, you had fallen asleep in each other's arms crying, and didn't wake up until 10 that morning. Elias made coffee and woke you up when it was done.

"I have to fly to Sweden for the funeral," he said quietly.

"I'm coming with you," you said.

"No, I don't want to see you cry, it's too much for me."

"I love you too much, and I want to be there for you," you said, knowing that it would make him feel better.

"Thanks, (y/n) I love you too." He smiled a little and you gave him a comforting hug.

"I don't know what I would ever do without you," he said.

A few months later:

The pandemic has slowed, and all sporting events have been allowed to continue for a few weeks now. Elias has started to act like his old self since his father passed, and he was taking you out on a date tonight. He didn't tell you where you were going, he said it was a surprise.

"Are you almost ready?" he called from the living room.

"Yup, just finishing up!" you said as you put in a small pair of diamond earrings he gifted you. You needed him to zip up your favourite red dress with black lace accents.

"Can you zip me up?" You asked as you walked out of the bedroom. He turned around from where he was adjusting his tie and looked you up and down.

"Wow, you look beautiful," he said with a raised eyebrow. You blushed and turned around for him to zip up the back. You felt his hands pinch the bottom of your dress and zip it all the way up.

"Thanks." He turned you around and kissed you suddenly, placing his hands on your back and neck. You giggled and ran your hand through his hair.

"Shall we go?" You asked.

"Of course," he winked at you.

You and Petey got to the restaurant which was called 'The Victor'. He led you inside and you both sat down at a table for two. There was a candle in the middle with a single red rose in a skinny vase of water decorating it.

"Your dress matches the rose," Petey said, looking at you, "the rose isn't as beautiful though."

You blush and he smiles, admiring every inch of you.

"Hey Petey," you say, "I love you."

"I love you more (y/n)" he responds, grabbing your hand under the table. Suddenly, he gets up and pulls you up too.

"(Y/n), you make me happy. You make me smile when I think I can't. You love me no matter what, and you love me endlessly," he said. He got down on one knee and pulled a small box from his coat pocket. He opened it to reveal a small diamond ring, simple yet elegant. "I love you more than words can ever explain, and I wanted to ask you, will you marry me?" Tears begin to fill your eyes as you nod your head.

"Yes, yes, I will marry you Elias," you cried as he put the ring on your finger and kissed you passionately. You cried as he hugged you, a couple tears sliding down his cheeks as well.

"I love you," you whispered into his ear.

"I love you baby," he said into your hair.

You both went home, his hand holding your thigh the whole way back. Once you got into the apartment, you threw your clothes on the floor and Petey followed suit. You and him were just in your undergarments, kissing and feeling each other for a good ten minutes. You were holding on to him as he carried you to the bedroom not breaking the kiss. He threw you on the bed and climbed on top of you.

"Do you want to do this?" he asked, unclipping your bra and kissing your shoulder.

"Yes," you responded, kicking off your underwear and slipping off his. He went to work and the you two didn't stop until you were both exhausted. Once you and Petey finished, you slipped into an oversized t-shirt and he a pair of sweat shorts. You passed out cuddling him as he kissed you one last time before he fell asleep too.

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