What the hell is this?

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Agatha just wanted to rescue her friend, Sophie and go home to her dad. But instead she was sitting here listening to girls (the evers) going fan girl all over a guy. The guy, Hort, who sat beside her said his name was Tedros. Just then the prince looked at her, walked straight to her, and handed a rose to Agatha saying "This is for you, my princess." Before she could say anything one of the teachers started talking.

At the end of that long speech the teacher said ".... are there any questions?" Agatha raised her hand and said "Why don't the girls have any training for fighting?" The evers started laughing (expect Tedros looking at his princess worriedly), the teacher said they have their princes or heroes to save them. Her comeback was "Well my dad is a hero and so are the rest of my family, but they still need woman like Black Widow or She-Hulk to save them!" Tedros looked at her and ask who her dad was. That got the teacher, never and evers interstates (expect Sophie because she know and was scared of him) and Agatha called on Friday through her necklace (a gift from Tony) and said "Captain America and I have the same abilities as him", then started a video clip:

After see that everyone couldn't believe that was her dad, never saw a man fighting to stay alive, ever had not (they couldn't say never because it was the enemy's name) seen not a hero or a prince like they grew up hearing about, and the teachers where thinking Agatha would destroy the school. Tedros was thinking about how could his princess come from something like that and vowing to make her a perfect princess.

They all saw Agatha get up and try to leave the room, but before a wolf could stop her, Agatha broke down the door and headed towards her dorm room. Sophie cried out "NOT AGAIN" looking at the poor door. Everyone was thinking "this can be good" as they left for the night because the next day classes would begin.   

Avengers x School of Good and Evil crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now