The date part 1

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I wake up to my mum pounding on my bedroom door saying ' LILLY GET UP THERE IS SOMEONE DOWNSTAIRS THAT WANTS TO TALK TO YOU', I drag myself out of bed and throw on something random

I wake up to my mum pounding on my bedroom door saying ' LILLY GET UP THERE IS SOMEONE DOWNSTAIRS THAT WANTS TO TALK TO YOU', I drag myself out of bed and throw on something random

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I just throw on this and brush my hair because it is very bushy. Then I head downstairs to see nick standing at the door way. He wanted to ask me something. I was a bit scared because I really really liked him. We walk outside and I close the door behind me and he pulls me to the side and kisses me on the lips I pull away and ask him what he wanted to ask me. He looks kinda nervous so I ask him why he looks so nervous and he mumbles out 'umm I was just wondering if you umm wanted
go on a date with me tonight we can go to the movies, I felt like crying with happiness I jump up on him and he catches me and I say yes and kiss him we kissed for a good 10 minutes before my mum called me in for dinner. I told him I will se him to night. I can't wait he says really happy. When he turns away I can see him jump and say YESSSS. He is so cute 💕 I thought to myself xx

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