The last apple

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The woman walked on the fragile ice until she reached a safe surface. Soon after, with delicate touches, she felt the crow mask she wore. She stroked the details as if they were part of her own face and went back into the woods. She had walked the same route earlier when she fled Fino, one of her captors, who currently lay in the depths of the frozen lake. She almost smiled, but the curve in the corner of her lips soon disappeared when she recalled that Luka was somewhere in the woods, still with two dangerous individuals.

"Where are you?" She sighed, inconsolable.

She analyzed the outskirts of the tower featuring its last flames, but did not find the child. She searched the site and followed a sequence of several marks heading east from the tower. She went on for a few minutes until she reached the entrance of some kind of lush paradise of blue flowers, all stuck in the snow. The footprints seemed to follow random and uncertain directions from there.

These smaller footprints should be Luka's.

She made her way with the body slightly inclined, investigating the tracks, and was surprised by a hoarse cry, coming from the forest:

"She's here!"

Startled, she ran in the opposite direction of the voice and, as she ran, took quick glances to identify that she was being chased by a creature more than six feet tall, with greenish scales on the shoulders and a scary lizard face. In one hand, the beast carried a circular shield with rough finish; in the other, an ax with similar appearance.

Realizing her pursuer was faster, the woman opted for a bumpy path, full of fallen logs and irregularities in order to delay it.

"Stop it, woman!" The monster growled again, as it tore everything in its way with blows from its weapon. "We don't want to hurt you!"

Shit! It's not alone.

After bumping into some branches, the woman slowed her run to a halt. With her back facing her tormentor, she closed her eyes and concentrated on its steps.

"Just a little closer..." She thought aloud, hiding a pointy stick in her hand, which she had torn off on the trail.

When she felt that the pursuer was close enough, she turned around, pushing the stick against its eyes. The rapid blow struck the creature's head and, despite its attempts to dodge the blow beneath the reptile skin, something human was revealed: an angry man, hair shaved on the sides with a central tuft of blondish hair forming a ponytail over his back, and a long beard that ended in a small braid. He was extremely stout and wore a scaly armor over warm clothing, protecting his shoulders, chest and forearms. The lizard mask fell in the snow, revealing his sharp teeth, carefully adjusted on the object.

Even before the huge man could strike back, a wooden handle got in the way, precisely hitting the stick she was using as a weapon, throwing it to the ground.

"The child was right when she warned us of her wit."

A black man suddenly appeared as he lowered his staff. Over his face, a dark mask simulated an arachnid embracing his head, leaving only a macabre smile uncovered. His naked back, barely protected from the cold, aroused curiosity. He wore only a thick strip of gray fabric around the neck, skirt falling to his knees, brownish pants and small leather bags hanging on a belt.

"Where is Lu..." started the woman, but choked when she saw the child coming out from behind a bush and walking slowly to the giant man with scale armor. "Luka, what's happening? Are you alright?"

She got as an answer a discreet and positive nod. The little one radiated tranquility.

"I have killed for a lot less than that!" interrupted the burly man, picking up the reptilian mask and readjusting it to his head.

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