1. Got A Secret, Can You Keep It?

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         Helena Alexandria Way: Suicide, stepping in front of a car

I quickly scribble down her name and the details in the black notebook gave to my to my shinigami, Rem. I picture Helena’s pale face in my mind. It’s funny I don’t feel bad for killing her, well technically she’s going to kill herself in at least 40 seconds. She’s the second person I’ve killed with the Death Note, the first was some random criminal. I’m not quite sure why I killed her off. In a way, she did deserve it. I don’t feel bad at all. Well.. I look at the antique clock sitting on the wall. Tick tock tick tock tick tock. I look outside my apartment's window. There she is waiting for a cab.

“Why’s it taking so long?” I ask Rem. “Frank, you impatient child just wait. Her time will come soon.” It tells me. As if on cue Helena takes small robotic steps onto the road as a white van comes into view. The person driving the white van tries to slam on the breaks but it’s already too late. A few ladies who witnessed scream in horror. Blood trickles out of the back of Helena’s head, pooling around her. A young man steps out of the van and starts yelling at the women so I guess he’s asking them to dial 911. He kneels down close next to Helena, and rips off his jacket and tries to stop the bleeding. I squint my eyes looking closer, I can see that the young man looks quite similar to her, and that’s he's crying. Oh wait...Is that Gerard?...No!...Oh my god what have I done? I think.

One of the terrified women pulls out her cell phone finally dialing 911 for Helena I suppose. I hear sirens then seconds later an ambulance pulls up next to the bus stop. Paramedics step out taking a stretcher with them. Gerard’s still glued to her side but the paramedics shoo him away. They carefully put Helena on to the stretcher, her raven black hair haloing around her. Paramedics load her up into the ambulance. I see Gerard wiping his eyes as he gets into the ambulance. The paramedics quickly close the doors, and drive off in a hurry.

I sit there for a few moments taking in what just happened before I slam the Death Note shut and stand up from my swivel chair and walk over to my small bookcase, slipping the Death Note in between two books. A single tear rolls down my cheek. "I can’t believe I just…."


Hiya my lovely peeeeeeps! Sorry if this sucks xDD I actually wrote this really super late at night so yeah....If you liked it, comment or something! (You don't have to by the way) 



Two Can Keep A Secret Of One Of Them Is DeadWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu