"What?" Gulf tilted his head, looking at him with surprised eyes. "Right now?—Isn't it late?" He asked cause he had no idea what time it was."

"You don't need someone like me right now." Mew said with a sad smile, he seemed like he was really ashamed for the things he said cause he felt like he was also pushing younger to stay in this, like everyone else. "—You need your mother." He smiled, grabbing the doorknob and looking back at Gulf.

"I will hand you some of my clothes—come on." He pointed with his head and waited until younger got up from the bed.He seemed hesitant but he still followed Mew to his room.

"You are too skinny but I think---these will do." He mumbled while searching for something in his closet and Gulf stood in front of the door weirdly.He was looking around, the room was big but it was so empty.The whole house was the same so it wasn't surprising.It was all white and everything seemed so expensive, but it was dull.

"You can change here—" Mew said, passing by him an stepping out of the room before looking at him weirdly. "Should I—wait here or go to the car?" He pointed at his back, not knowing what to do.

"You can wait here." Gulf answered and Mew nodded before leaving the boy alone.

Gulf looked at the white t-shirt which seemed much bigger than his size and sighed.He took of the ones he also borrowed from Mew and put on the black track pants with the t-shirt.He folded the old ones and placed them on Mew's bed, he was about to leave when his eyes landed on the wall mirror.He stopped and looked at himself for a while, he knew he was skinny but he seemed like a skeleton in Mew's clothes.His face looked so pale, he could see the difference since he used to have a little bit darker skin than others.

He ran his fingers inside his hair, realizing how long it got before taking a last look and rubbing his face.

He then walked out.

It was actually 4 a.m. and Gulf was a bit speechless since he never thought Mew would take him to his mother at that hour.Streets were completely empty except few cars they saw from time to time and suddenly Gulf felt lighter.Like really, he let out a sigh without actually realizing when he leaned his head on the back of the seat and looked outside.It was the first time he actually saw around instead of just looking, he actually felt like he was out of that place.

Mew didn't say anything, he just drove the car and stole few glances as the boy kept looking outside and feeling the breeze hitting his face, playing with his long locks.

"Take this." Mew said after stopping the car in front of the place Gulf lead him to. "I didn't have time to get you a phone, I will get myself a new one tomorrow and call you—so you can save the number." He said as he handed younger his own phone and Gulf just blinked, nodding and holding the phone.He tried to remember how long it had been since he held his own phone.

"I'm sorry." Mew repeated and it caused younger to look at him. "I really am, Gulf." Mew said. "I wish I could do some more—for everyone but..—you don't have to think about anything, just spend some time with your mother and I will try to handle the rest." He said with a small nod and Gulf looked at him for a while, not saying anything but just nodding back before getting out of the car.

He had to walk for a while before reaching the house, like 30 steps or less, but that walk felt so special.It was still dark and the neighbourhood was completely quiet.The soft breeze welcomed him as he took few steps and he felt even lighter, it was the first time he was walking alone like this, 30 steps or less, it didn't matter.He was out of that place, he didn't have to hide, he was able to walk all alone in that hour and knock on his mother's door himself.

"Gulf?—Is everything alright?" His mom seemed terrified as she quickly scanned him from head to toe but Gulf smiled, shaking his head.

"I'm okay, I just wanted to stay with you."

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