✵𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦✵

Start from the beginning


We march through the forest, Aragorn in the front, me in the back. Sam leads a pony named 'bill' who has all of their stuff on it.
"Where are you taking us?" I hear Frodo ask, "into the wild." Aragorn answers simply. The hobbits whisper to themselves for awhile. "But where is he leading us?" I hear Sam ask.
"To rivendale, master Gamgee. To the house of Elrond." I speak up. Sam gets excited. The hobbits continue talking to each other. I write in a journal as I walk, drawing on a map, our path.

Some time later the hobbits stop and unwrap their knapsacks. "Gentlemen, we do not stop til' nightfall." Aragorn calls to them. "What about breakfast?" Pippin asks. "You've already had it." I say, "we've had one, yes, but what about second breakfast?" Pippin asks. Me and Aragorn, confused, shake our heads, "I don't think they know about second breakfast, pip." Marry says, "what about elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner? They know about them, don't they?" Pippin asks incredulously.!me and Aragorn turn away and begin walking. I throw an apple at marry, who catches it, i throw another at pippin but it hits him on the head.

We march through a bog, I look to see the hobbits knee high in the water, I can't help but feel bad for them. "What do they eat when they can't get hobbit?"merry shouts over the loud buzzing of the flies.
It's night, we are still in the large bog, and have made camp, Aragorn returns from hunting with a small deer over his shoulder. He hums an elvish tune, soon changing into singing the song. "Who is she?" Frodo asks, me and Aragorn turn towards him. "The woman you sing of?" He finishes. "Tis' the lady of lúthien, the elf maiden who gave her love to beren, a mortal." Aragorn answers. "What happened to her?" "She died."I answer for Aragorn. "Get some sleep, Frodo." Aragorn says to him. He lays down, satisfied with our answer.
A hour later I dart awake, hearing the faint wailing of the trees, someone is harming the forest.

We are now on weather top, "this was the great watchtower of Amon sûl. We shall rest here tonight." Aragorn says to the hobbits.
"These are for you.keep them close." I say passing out small swords to the hobbits. "I'm going to have a look around. Stay here." Aragorn leaves to scout and I pass into a sleep, suddenly I wake up to yelling, and see Frodo stomping out a fire, I shoot up, hearing the shrieks of nazgul. We run to the top of weathertop, I brandish My swords and push the hobbits behind me, the witch king appears and Sam yells "back you devils!" I swipe at the nasty creatures, determine to protect the hobbits. We clash swords, my skills keeping up with the shadows. They suddenly move towards Frodo, I look in confusion, about to run to protect him.
Suddenly I hear Sam yell, "no!" I turn and see Frodo disappeared, "damnit !" I yell, he used the ring, we fight but I hear Frodo scream, Aragorn appears with two torch's , he tosses one to me. I fight off the ringwraiths, sheathing my short sword so I only hold gull øye and the torch. I swipe the fire at their capes, leaving them in flames they run off. Me and Aragorn run to Frodo. "Help him strider!"Sam pleads,
"He's been stabbed by a morgul blade." I say, the morgul blade turns to dust, leaving only the hilt ,Aragorn throws it away In disgust."This is beyond my skill to heal. He needs elvish medicine." Aragorn says, he lifts Frodo onto his shoulders.

We run through the forest, "hurry!" Aragorn yells, "we are six days from rivendale!" Sam yells. "He'll never make it, come on frodo." Sam says worriedly. "Gandalf!" Frodo shouts in his delirium.

We lay Frodo down in the clearing of bilbos trolls."look Frodo, it's bilbos trolls." Sam says to Frodo. He checks his forehead, "he's going cold!"sam shouts to Aragorn and I.
"is he going to die?" Pippin asks, scared. "No. He is passing into the shadow world, he will soon become a wraith like them." We hear a shriek in the air, "their close." I murmur. Frodo gasps in pain. Aragorn pops up, turning to Sam. "Do you know the athelas plant?" He asks, Sam looks blank, "Athelas?" He asks shyly, "kingsfoil," I speak up. Sam nods, "kingsfoil, aye. It's A weed." He says. "It may help the poison . Hurry!" Aragorn says, we run into the forest looking for the plant.
We go back to the clearing, Arwen and Ascarus with us. "Frodo, Im Arwen. Telin let thaed. Lasto Beth nin tolo dan na ngalad." Arwen says gently to Frodo. Frodo's eyes close, "who is she?" Pippin asks quietly. "Frodo?" Ascarus says worried, "she's an elf." Sam says mesmerized by Arwen.
"He's fading... he's not going to last. We must get him to my father." Arwen says. Aragorn lifts Frodo onto Arwens horse. Ascarus gets on her horse and readys her bow and arrows. "We been looking for you for two days." Ascarus says. "Where are you taking him?" Pippin asks, worried for his friend. "There are five wraiths behind you, where the other four are, I do not know." Arwen says, "dartho guin berian... rych le ad tolthathon." Aragorn insists. Arwen grabs the reins of her horse, "hon mabathon. Rochoh ellint im. Besides I have Ascarus to gaurd me." Arwen shoots back. "Andelu I ven." Aragorn says.  "Frodo fir. Ae anthradon i hir. Tur gwaith nin beriatha hon." Arwen says strongly. "What are they saying?" pippin says, confused. "I do not fear them." Arwen says.
Aragorn finally gives in, "Arwen, ride hard, don't look back." He says. I turn to Ascarus "aye, protect her, but also protect yourself. We ain't needing no deaths." I say, smiling gently at my young sister. She nods back confidently and smiles.
"Noro lim, asfaloth, noro lim!" Arwen says, sam shouts something, but I did not hear it, due to Asfaloths and Oirivarons loud hoofs taking off.

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Elvish translates:
"Frodo I am Arwen, I have come to help you. Hear my voice, come back to the light."
"Stay with the hobbits, I'll send horses for you."
"I'll take him,  I'm the faster rider, "
"The road is too dangerous."
"If I can cross the river, the power of my people can protect him."

Østhelten ✵𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴✵Where stories live. Discover now