"Hey what's the matter," Peter seemed concerned, considering I don't do this really.

"Look could you tone down on the comments about me and (Y/n) it's just awkward and I don't want there to be any weird tensions between us," I pursed my lips, nervously.

"Is that all this was about, "I'm sorry that my teasing made you uncomfortable but I didn't mean anything by it, you know I'm just messing with you," he said patting my shoulder.

"Yeah I know but could you not do it, I don't like it" I pressed again.

"So that I won't mess with your chances right," he said with a stupid smile on his face.

"Peter I'm serious."

"Alright Alright, sorry Ed, I'll lay off."

"Thank you," I said and then left. I felt the need for a nice bath.

(Y/n)'s POV

"And this way leads to the chamber hall," Susan said, leading the way. Lucy then came running from behind and stopped us.

"Susan, I can't find the nightgown we set aside for (Y/n)," Lucy said.

"For Pete's sake," Susan sighed and turned to me, "why don't you go wait for us in your room, it's down the hall close to the big window." And before I knew it, they were gone. I walked down to the last room right by the window like she said and went in. It was nice and the bed was made with a big dark green quilt and puffy pillows. There were maps and a banner on the wall. Hanging on the wall was a shelf with a globe and some books. The curtain was tied so the moonlight was shining through with ethereal beauty. By the window was a small table. On top was a master chess set with gold pieces glistening in the light. The whole room smelled like pinecones and lavender and I couldn't help but let out a deep sigh of relief.

"I could get used to this," I said as I plopped myself onto the bed. It was incredibly comfy, or maybe that was just my body happy to finally rest after a long ass day I've had. My bruises have gone down in swelling. And thanks to the medicine Rue gave me, I've been able to deal with the soreness. I closed my eyes and lay there, almost drifting off to sleep when the door opened.

"(Y/n)?" Edmund walked in with his hair still damp and his nightshirt buttoned up halfway, still open enough to reveal his injuries from earlier. He almost glowed from the moonlight. I instantly sat up, my hair messy and overall flustered. I just froze.

" I-I'm sorry Ed, I thought this was my room..." Ew, I absolutely hate this, God why me!

"Uh I think you mistaken 'cause this is my room," he said teasingly, buttoning up his shirt. Yeah, no shit Sherlock!

He looked really fucking hot not gonna lie but I still wanted to throw myself out the window.

"Susan said the room close to the window but now thinking about it she never said across or next to so I thought she meant next," I rambled. I got off the bed and we just stared at each other not sure what to do.

"um it's alright, mistakes happen so no hard feelings," he said and then made his way to his dresser. He pulled out a few things and then fussed about it. Then sat on his bed.

"You know I'm just -I'm just gonna go," I said and turned to walk out, "goodnight, see you in the morning, string bean," I said, with a smirk on my face.

"Goodnight goblin," he said. I quickly turned to see his reaction and he just smiled and exhaled, you know the way you would quietly react to something you thought was funny but not hilarious. It was nice that we could just mess around.

I made it to my room but now I couldn't stop thinking about him. I plopped down onto my actual bed with a (favorite color) quilt. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to distract me. The image of Edmund walking in, looking like that, I mean fuck man, I can't handle this right now. I hated that I found him attractive because the last thing I needed was romance, though I doubt he would feel the same. It doesn't matter, all I felt was just attraction and that's it so I shouldn't overthink this.

EXCEPT I AM! OKAY PULL IT TOGETHER (Y/N)! After a good mental slap in the face and a few deep breaths, I collected myself. I affirmed that all I felt was an attraction because that's all it was. My problem was whether or not I would start crushing and falling hard for him because that's just how I am. I didn't want that because that would be one more thing I would worry about but I guess I'll have to wait and see.

"Hey (Y/n) we're here and we brought the gown for you to sleep in," Lucy said as the two sisters entered my room. I got up and took the white flowy dress from them. It seemed nice and really cute, almost shabby chic.

"Thank you, I'll put it on," I said.

"If you need anything we're next door," Susan said.

"Alright, thanks, and goodnight," I said.

" Good night (Y/n)," they said and left, closing the door. I changed out of the dress from before and into the nightgown. Getting into bed, I looked around and noticed all the things I ignored before. My window curtain was tied up but I had a star and moon crystal sun catcher hanging by it. The moonlight began to hit it just right so little rainbows danced around my room. There was a map and the Narnian crescent banner hanging on my wall. A vase of (favorite floral arrangements) was there and the room smelled like (favorite scent). On the table were a few books and a snow globe.

I remember earlier I was asked what things I liked but I didn't know this is what they had in mind. It was so nice of them to do this for me. I turned and saw a note on my night table. It read:

'To our newest member of our family, I hope you find the room to your liking, and whatever mission you were brought here to complete, we hope we can assist you. Perhaps we can get to know you more. Warm regards, Jazel, and company'

"That's so sweet of them," I silently squeaked, clenching my chest as if to squeeze my heart because this was so wholesome it hurt. This whole thing felt like a dream. Like I was going to fall asleep and wake up in my room to my tear-stained pillow and then feel weird and sad because this would be the best dream I'd ever had. God I hope it's not a dream, this feels way too real. But I did miss my family, I hope they're alright.

And with that, I was knocked out.

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