
"Well... yeah," The mammal replied "... and thinking."

"Thinking?" The avian said quizzically "What do you have to think about?".

"Just stuff." Rigby replied, as if his response answered the bird's question.


"Just stuff, okay?" The raccoon replied, getting defensive.

"Okay, okay, jeez." the avian responded, taken off guard by the change in his friend's demeanor.

There was silence as Rigby scrambled his way onto his bed/trampoline, turning his back towards the avian and pulling the covers over his rigid body. Mordecai watched with a worried glare as the mammal tucked himself in forcefully, looking as if one wrong word would sent him into a fit of anger.

"Rigby?" Mordecai said softly.

"What?" Rigby spat.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"I..." The raccoon sighed, letting out a shaky breath. "Not this.". This sentence caused Mordecai to prop himself up on his elbows, his look of concern intensifying.

"Dude, I've known you since kindergarten, you can tell me literally anything." Mordecai pleaded, now intent on getting Rigby to spill the beans. Tie raccoon rolled over, fighting the tears forming in his eyes as he looked at the blue jay.

"Anything?" He asked.

"Anything." The avian responded.

"Anything." Rigby whispered to himself. He could tell Mordecai anything. "Well..." Rigby paused, unsure whether he should continue.

"I'm listening." The blue jay said softly, letting Rigby know that it was okay too continue.

"Okay... so... you know how I keep saying I don't want to date anyone?" Rigby started.

"Is that what this is about? Dude, I really don't care about that, I was just poking fun."

"No, no, it's not that... well... It is that, but..." The mammal paused again, letting out a deep breath. "I do want to date someone.". Mordecai blinked, looking on unflinchingly.

"I kinda got that already." he said.

"Yeah, can you just listen and stop butting in?" The raccoon said, exasperated.

"Sorry, dude. Go ahead."

"Right. Well..." Rigby froze upon being confronted with an opportunity to tell his friend how he feels. "I..." the raccoon couldn't bring himself to say it. That was, until he looked at his best friend, who gave him a warm slime and a reassuring nod. Rigby smiled back, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I don't think I'm straight." The mammal said. Mordecai stared for a second, his eyes unblinking. Rigby felt his eyes tear up, anticipating a negative response. He could already picture the avian's reaction in his head.

He was about to laugh at him, call him a fag, and if he was unlucky, maybe even give him a black eye. Upon seeing that the mammal was crying, Mordecai realised that he had been staring, emotionless.

"Whoa, hey, don't cry." The avian said softly, trying his best to console the mammal from the opposite side of the room. Unfortunately, this had no effect. Rigby rolled so that his back was once again facing the avian, and began to sob violently, waiting for Mordecai to begin his attack.

The avian saw this and began to panic. 

"Dude? Calm down." He tried to say, but his voice was drowned out by the mammal's sobs. "Dude?". Mordecai quickly threw the bed sheets off of his body and slowly walked over to the trampoline. Mordecai found himself just standing there, his left arm crossing his body and grasping his right nervously. "Rigby..." He said to no avail. Eventually, he crouched down so that the mammal could hear him. "Rigby!" He whisper yelled, causing the mammal to flinch. "Dude, are you scared of me?" Mordecai said, almost in disbelief.

Now being able too hear the avian, Rigby turned his head a slight bit and moved his arm, allowing him to peek at the bird's face.

"You mean... you're not over here to beat me up?"

"What? Of course not!" Mordecai said, moving his hand to Rigby's shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Rigby rolled over to face the avian, propping himself up on his elbows.

"So... you don't think I'm a fag?" Rigby sniffled.

"I do, but I don't care." Mordecai replied, smiling as he ruffled Rigby's hair. "Heck, I kinda..." Mordecai gulped "I kinda had a thing for you... back in high school." the avian admitted, moving to a sitting position with his legs crossed. Rigby looked at the avian with wide eyes, changing his sitting position to mirror that of the avian so that they were eye level.

"R-really?" Rigby stuttered.

"Yeah." Mordecai smirked sheepishly, his cheeks turning red.

"But... you stopped having a thing for me?"

"Well... I think so... I don't know." Mordecai said, his face falling a little.

"Well... maybe we could like... experiment, or something?" Rigby said, cringing at his own sentence. He didn't want to come off as desperate. Mordecai smiled, placing his hands on Rigby's trampoline with open palms. It took Rigby a moment to realise that Mordecai wanted him to put his hands on his own, but he did without a moments hesitation.

"Even if I don't end up falling in love with you, I want you to know that you're the most important person in my life, and I love you, bro." Mordecai said, his beak curled into a warm smile.

"So are we gonna kiss, or..." Rigby was cut off by Mordecai leaning in and placing his beak on the mammal's lips. The moment he did this, Rigby felt like his heart was about to break out of his chest. He felt Mordecai pull him towards himself, making the kiss more passionate. If the mammal had to hedge a bet, he would say that Mordecai was enjoying it. Moving onto his knees, Rigby pulled his hands free and let his arms rest around the avian's neck as he teased the tip of his beak with his tongue.

Mordecai quickly pulled away, a big grin on his face as the raccoon opened his eyes and looked at him, his mouth hanging open a little, a dazed look in his eyes.

"That was..." 

"Nice." Rigby finished his sentence, not breaking eye contact for a second. "I love you." the mammal continued, placing his hand on the avian's cheek.

Mordecai smiled and pulled Rigby in for a hug, rubbing up and down his back.

"I love you too, bro."

Morby One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now