Avenge us…

By now, I could barely stand to look at them; much less do these disgusting creatures any favours. What did they mean by avenge them? Did that mean kill the Principal? That was a little harsh, but these children were probably there since their birth, judging from their shriveled skin and torn out eyes. And how the hell did the words get written there anyways? The babies hadn’t moved an inch.

I knew I wasn’t going to be able to escape the room until the ten minutes were up. I knew the Principal had told me to go to the manor, but this was fucked up. He had to go to the police, get that bastard arrested. Maybe he could even save these destroyed children.

I waited, facing away from the children. I couldn’t look at them, it was too revolting and I didn’t want to throw up again. I knew that this was all some sick prank by the Principal, it had to be. I didn’t believe any of the stories about ghosts and neither did my parents. That was one of the reasons why they didn’t mind living on Mineral Lane.

When the ten minutes were up, I flung open the door and looked down the empty hallway. School had ended just as I had met those wannabes and the place was empty by now. The Principal was nowhere in sight.

I left the children in the room, knowing that they weren’t going anywhere, and fled the schoolyard, snatching my skateboard from my locker. I was going to the police station. That freak of a Principal wasn’t getting away with this.

“Don’t tell the authorities my ass,” I mumbled, unable to remove the image of the babies from his head.

I skated down the streets as fast as I could, ignoring the glances of the villagers, and burst through the door of the police station.

An officer at the front desk looked up at me expectantly.

“May I help you?”

“Yeah you can help me! My fucking principal has two half dead kids in his office! You have to arrest him…or do something!”

I sat down, I eyes wide and stared at the officer, who was staring back at him with a stunned look.

“Look kid, I know you might have thought you saw something in that office, but I can guarantee you Principal Jardet is a highly respected citizen and…”

“Wait, what?” I said, holding my hands in the air. “Who the flying fuck is Jardet?”

“Don’t speak to me that way, you little punk. Jardet has been the Principal of Hollow Waters High School for that past 23 years.”

I stumbled backwards, unable to take this in.

“But I talked to Principal Grewed, not your fantasy Jardet!” I yelled, more to myself than the officer.

The officer stood up, frowning at the shaking boy. “Are you on drugs?”

“No!”I cried, trembling heavily now. “Why do you ask?”

The officer sighed and massaged his temple.

“Principal Grewed passed away in the fire at the manor on Mineral Lane 25 years ago. Him and his two children and his wife. They all died. Poor kids, they couldn’t have been more than one year old.”

I screamed, bursting out of the police station and ran down the street. As I ran, the officer came out of the door, watching me fly down the street like a fucking mental patient.

I could only think of one thing. I would have to enter the manor and discover the secret behind the dead children.

How could I have seen them? I knew I hadn’t imagined it, it was too real. But how had I known exactly who Principal Grewed was if I had never met him before then? I knew somehow that if I returned to the school now, I would be confronted by nothing but this new Jardet and an empty room.

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