Chapter One

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They had failed. All For One had been taken into custody from his battle with All Might. Katsuki Bakugou had escaped. Kaminari should of stopped Izuku Midoriya, Eijiro Kirishima, Tenya Iida, Shoto Todoroki, and Momo Yaoyorozu. He had heard about Kirishima's declaration to save the explosive boy when Izuku was in that hospital bed.

Kaminari wished he would have stayed there. The mission was a failure and it was because of Kaminari. Now they were in dorms and the pro heroes were keeping a close eye on all of the students. So Kaminari had to be more aware. It was the middle of the night and the pro hero teachers were having a meeting with Principal Nezu.

Kaminari had hacked into the school's security system and he had a live video playing on his computer with his headphones on. He made sure his door was locked, even when everybody was sleeping. His phone used specifically for contacting the villains laid next to his laptop. It was more often than not put away. Nobody would be able to find it. He didn't need any of his so called friends finding out his true intentions.

Nobody knew he was deceiving them.

"Are you sure there's actually a traitor?" Midnight asked, looking at Nezu. Kaminari listened closely.

"I'm positive. It's the only reasonable explanation as to why the villains keep attacking. We just need to keep a close eye on the students. And remember, everyone is a suspect. Now onto another topic I'd like to talk about. We've had a research team start collecting blood samples from All For One at Tartarus. His quirk is useful in our next project. As you know, he is able to take away one's quirk for his own. We believe that we can find a way to eradicate quirks from users who use them for inhumane purposes. The affects would be irreversible."

This was news to Kaminari. They were experimenting on All For One to create something that would take away quirks? This made him angry. How did they have the right to choose who kept their quirks and those who didn't? Why did they get to control everything? Kaminari had seen how his other classmates were. They believed the heroes were everything. They were naive and would never understand.

He was so good at pretending the same thing. He had pretended to be in sorrow when Bakugou was kidnapped. He was good at being an idiot and choosing the wrong answers on a test. Or doing things purposely so he would not have to fight his true allies.

His quirk's drawback was ingenious. He would use a certain amount of volts of electricity and pretend that his brain was dead for at least an hour.

He'd even let Bakugou beat the shit out of him for money to give to Kirishima when he could have easily fought back.

When the girls were judging rooms, Kaminari had to find enough random crap regular teenagers had to look like he was "normal." Nothing had ever really belonged to him. He didn't have a home to come to. He didn't have a real bedroom. He no longer had parents who told him they loved him every night before he went to bed.

He was far from normal. His childhood was short lived. He had to grow up fast given the circumstances. And his heart was no longer there. He was empty inside. He wanted others to feel his pain. He wanted people to know what it feels like when everything is taken away from you. And destroying society was the only way he could do so.

There was the need to destroy everything. He could do it. His quirk was powerful enough to destroy All Might with (though All For One did enough of that already.) Having too much power came with a consequence. The more power you had, the more you wanted. And he wanted to be powerful and in control.

Perhaps even without the League and Shigaraki barking orders at him.

He would have to send the saved recording of the meeting to Shigaraki. He couldn't pay attention because of the anger building up inside. The pro heroes rose from their seats, calling an end to them meeting. Once he was sure that the meeting was done, he stopped the live video. His fingers glided against the mouse pad as he went to download the information.

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