How You Met

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You had Herbology with Draco your first year. Draco was having trouble so Professor Sprout paired him up with you since you were doing really well. Crabbe and Goyle were surprised to see that Draco was laughing and actually having a good time with you. Draco is usually a pretty grumpy person but you made him smile.

After that day, Draco always looked forward to having Herbology with you while you were in your first year.


You've known Draco for as long as you can remember, since you were a baby, so you don't really remember meeting him. He's just... always been there.


You were standing with Ron and Harry when Draco first "introduced" himself to your brother's best friend. You mentally sneered at the boy's bad attitude but stayed out of the situation.


You had Charms with Draco your first year. Sitting next to you and your friends was this cocky Slytherin boy trying to prove that he was better than everyone else while trying to do Wingardium, Leviosa. When he failed you scoffed and giggled at his failure.

"I'd like to see you do better!" The boy exclaimed.

You shrugged and aimed your wand at the feather, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The feather slowly rose into the air and Professor Flitwick cheered and congratulated you on your success.

Draco, however, sneered at you. 'Can't believe a Ravenclaw beat me!' He thought to himself.

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