The Gig

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I am very interested in becoming an actor. I'm a YouTuber and this is out of my zone but I wanna try something new.
My friend Millie Bobby Brown is an actor on the set of stranger things. She works with my crush Noah Schnapp.

Lately Millie has been wanting me to be on Stranger Things with her.

I got a call from Millie.
(She is bold you are italics)
Heyyyyyy girllll
Heyyy millls what's up?
Stranger Things is having auditions.
OMFG wait actually
Yes and you should totally audition
What if I don't make it?
You will make it don't think of the negatives
Thank you mills so much
I'll send you the directors email send him your audition tape.
Can't wait
I have to go but talk to me if you need anything
Thank you bby ly

I hung up the phone and texted my manager to tell her that I'm gonna audition for the role of Caroline in stranger things.

I got together a camera and said some lines from the script they gave us. The character Caroline in Wills love interest. Will as in NOAH SCHNAPP HOLY FUCKING GOD. I can't believe what Millie did. She and our other friend Sarah are the only ones who know I like him.

I got an email on my phone from a worker on the set of stranger things.

Hi it's Kayla Cordon I'd like to inform you that we got your audition tape and that we will respond with in a week to everyone to tell them the good or not as good news. Thank you miss y/n for your time.

The email was nice and short but I guess I'll find out in a week.

1 week latterrrr...

I woke up this Thursday and went down stairs to go eat cereal. My manager Krista was at my house waiting with me to find out if I made it. It was now 10:30 am and I decided to go shower. While I was in the shower I heard a little ring it could've been my phone but Krista answered it so that was good.

I got out of the shower and changed into a tube top and my gray sweat pants.

I heard Krista say my name for me to come down stairs. I walked down stairs to her and she had balloons.
(You are italics she is bold)
What's up Krista
You got innnnn!!!!!
Omg I need to tell Millie

I grabbed my phone and called Millie.
Millie I have the best news
No Wayyyy!!!!
Your talking to the new Caroline
Yes Bitch oh my god we are gonna be working together ahhhh!!!
Are you free tomorrow?
Yes wait I have an ideaaaa
What is it?
How about I invite the cast
Like who?
Noah, Finn, Sadie, the rest of the guys
Are you serious? You know I like him
Exactly it will be fun
Ok but what do I wear?
Wear a dress I'll say that we are going out for dinner so dress decent.
Ok I'll see you tomorrow
Bye bby ly.
Ly two

I hung up the phone and went to sleep with butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't wait for tomorrow with Noahhhh.

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