Chapter Two

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Watching the elevator doors close on my best friends defeated face, I instantly spun around on my heels and marched down the hall toward Monica’s office. Having worked at Hourglass for the past two years as their lead photographer, I was well equipped with the proper tools to handle the industry’s most terrifying editor.

 When I knocked on her floor-to-ceiling glass door, Monica peered over her shoulder and nodded her head gesturing her approval of my entry into her office.

 "So, I heard you just had an interview with Brooke. How did it go?"

 Monica continued working on the project was splayed over her work table. "Her boldness surprised me; turning down an opportunity with our most fierce competition to potentially be rejected by Hourglass is quite a significant risk for someone who is just starting her career in our industry."

 Smiling inwardly, I raised an eyebrow. "Risky indeed, but when you know you’re the best you’re willing to make decisions like that. Take me for example, I never needed you to tell me I was the best, I knew that before I was even approached by your minions."

 Monica swirled around and relaxed in her chair. "Don’t you have models to tend to? I’m rather busy at the moment, so let’s get to the point of this conversation. Brooke. You want to know if I’m going to hire her and the answer is," Monica paused, peering out of her glass windows and inhaling deeply before starting again. "Make sure my minions have the proper telephone number for your friend so they can give her a call on Monday." Circling back around toward her project, she pointed to the door, signaling my exit.

 Half way down the hall I pulled out my phone and shot a text to Brooke.

 For you, and only you, I will cancel my date. We have reason to celebrate!

I jumped into the nearest elevator, taking it down the floor on which was the room we at Hourglass call "The Closet". The closet was an enormous room covered in racks of clothes for our models and designers to choose from for any upcoming photo shoots. It was also the go to room for Hourglass employees if we needed something to wear for an outing or event.

 Crashing through the door, I immediately gained the attention of the models that were changing back into their own clothes from this afternoon’s shoot. "Hey girls, any suggestions for a celebratory girl’s night outfit?" Skimming the racks on the hunt for the perfect outfit, one of the models handed me a long sleeved little black dress by none other than my favorite designer, Chanel.

 "Perfect." After quickly disrobing, I slipped the dress over my head and posed seductively into the full length mirrors adorning the entire eastern wall of the closet. The scoop neck was just low enough to reveal my cleavage, while the length fell just inches below my nether regions, exposing enough skin to make any man stare and any woman jealous. After I stepped into a pair of black six-inch stilettos I pulled my hair into a chic messy bun, touched up my makeup and grabbed a clutch on my way out the door.

 Quickly, I ran back up to my office to grab my things. Then I was heading toward my car in the parking garage. Like clockwork the owner of the black Range Rover Sport that was parked right next to me was arriving to his car at precisely the same time as I. Luke Wellington worked a few floors above Hourglass as a marketing executive for Nike and had taken a liking to me after he and I worked together on a project I shot for one of his ad campaigns. When I clicked the remote start button on my red BMW Coupe, the rev of the engine caught his attention. As his body turned toward me, his mischievous grin was the first thing I noticed, followed by the five o’clock shadow lingering on his chiseled jaw. His muscled arms tightened as he crossed them over his chest and leaned back against his SUV, watching my every move like a lion about to pounce on his prey. I slowly approached him, pressing myself up against his massive frame. Even though I was a little over six feet with the help of my stilettos, Luke still towered over me.

 "Luke," I whispered into his neck before placing a kiss against his skin. "I’m afraid I’ve got to take a rain check on our date tonight."

 His strong hands ran down my back and gripped my ass, forcing my body even closer to his. Smiling, I leaned back slightly and peered into his dark green eyes as he spoke. "What could possibly be more important than me getting you out of this dress?"

 Giggling lightly, I laced my arms around his neck. "I’m celebrating with my best friend tonight. She just got a new job, so we’re going out for drinks."

 A groan escaped his throat, and he said. "I think I liked your best friend better before she moved back to Denver."

 My giggles turned into laughter as I twined my fingers in his hair and pulled his face down toward mine. "Damn, it’s so difficult being Luke Wellington. Your Friday night booty call cancels on you last minute, so you have to resort to searching your little black book for another woman who’d be more than willing to drop any plans she may have to ensure you don’t spend the night alone. Rough life, I tell ya."

 Smirking, Luke leaned in and lightly kissed my cheek. "You have no idea."

 Allowing Luke to slip from my fingers, I adjusted my dress. Deciding I needed to get a move on it I sashayed over to my car and opened the door. As I climbed into the driver’s seat I glanced over my shoulder, "Give me a call later, maybe you can swing by when I get home." I gave Luke a quick wink, pulled the door closed. Then I backed out of my parking space and drove toward our building’s exit, dialing Brooke in the process.

 Her voice played over the speakers of my car stereo. "Oh. My. Gosh. I’ve called you a million times since your text. What are we celebrating?"

 I shook my head no as I responded. "Wouldn’t you like to know? Meet me at Corridor 44 in ten minutes, reservations are under my name." I hung up on Brooke and zoomed through traffic, trying to get to my best friend as quickly as I possibly could.

 Brooke was seated at the bar when I arrived, her face glued to her phone as she probably scrolled through her Facebook newsfeed. Taking the seat next to her, I leaned over the bar and ordered two raspberry truffle champagne cocktails.

 Brooke was practically busting out of her skin awaiting the good news. "You’re killing me!" she exclaimed.

 I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face as I eagerly awaited the cocktails to toast with my best friend.

 Upon accepting the drinks from the bartender’s hands, I passed one to Brooke. Before raising them for a toast I leaned in, whispering so the two of us were the only ones to hear. "Can you keep a secret?"

 Nodding her head, she rolled her eyes as if to tell me hurry up and get on with it. "Okay good. Then let’s raise our glasses to the newest Design Editor of Hourglass Magazine, Brooke Reid!" Clinking them together, we each took a sip of our drinks before setting them down and hugging each other while we squealed like schoolgirls in the middle of the bar.

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