Eventually, Agatha gets fed up.
She stops, motions for Dot to keep walking, and wheels on Sophie.

"Is there something you want?"

"Yes!" says Sophie, immediately. "I wanted to say--"

"You want to come crawling back, now Tedros has made it clear he's not interested? Is that it? You're here to grovel?"

"I-- Agatha, listen... I was wrong to say what I said."

"Which bit?" demands Agatha, setting off after the others again.

Sophie cringes, hurrying after her.

"Well, all of it, but especially the bit about--"

"This?" Agatha plucks impatiently at her veil.

"Yes. It was just cruel--"

"You're going to deny you made that bet with Mother, then?"

Sophie's mouth tightens.

"No. I did. I'm sorry for it, but I won't deny it." her brows draw together. "When you're with her, she has a way of making you think it's okay--"

"Wow, does she? Tell me, where was she when you repeated it to me, then?"

Sophie doesn't reply immediately. Then she says;

"I didn't mean it, Agatha. I was only doing what she told me to do because I was jealous. I let Mother exploit it."

"Jealous." mutters Agatha, bashing a shrub out of her way. "Jealous."

"You've seen him! You've seen this place! You're going to be mistress of all of this, there's no way I couldn't be at least a little--"

"You've always had everything!" barks Agatha. "She even wanted to make you heir!"

"I shouldn't have told you that, either--"

"And now you have the audacity to be jealous of me over something I didn't even ask for?"

"Yes!" cries Sophie. "You know how envious I get, I can't help it, but I promise I'll make it right--"

"How? By cozying up to Mother the second I'm gone?"

Sophie grabs her arm, then swears and lets go. She never remembers how hot Agatha gets when she's agitated.

"Ow-- yes! As your inside man, yes! I'll tell you everything she's saying, I'll make sure she doesn't get in your way, I'll play the part of the perfect daughter. But really, I'll be on your side. I'll be your biggest fan. I'll help with the wedding, everything, just please let me apologise for this."

Agatha grinds her teeth. It's tempting, and she has to admit she misses Sophie's company when she's not there, but after everything that's happened over the last few days... she's not feeling very generous.

"What made you change your mind?" she asks tersely. Sophie frowns.

"You're my sister. I don't want to hurt you."

Agatha nearly scoffs, but all she says is;

"We're half-sisters."

Sophie looks hurt, and she sighs.

"Prove that you're not going to carry on acting like Mother's pawn, and I'll think about it."

Sophie perks up.

"I won't let you down, Aggie!"

"I'm not so sure." says Agatha grimly, and goes to catch up with Callis before Sophie can reply.

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