Chapter 16

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Life has this weird way of showing reality without even showcasing it. Yesterday I was happy inside out..... And now? I have this melancholy surrounding me.... Eating my insides. One three letters' name destroyed what love I earned in two days..... Mia.

"Siana?" I looked up at Sean.

"What happened?" I questioned.

"Where are you lost? I am saying tomorrow you have meeting with Richie for our new office." I looked at him completely flabbergasted.

"Wh... Why me?" I asked.

"Obviously it would be you stupid! I have relatively low knowledge of interiors of the office aaaand.... I am going to Paris to look over the fashion show preparations." He said and I completely hate the idea of this!

"B.but you will be close to Lisa if you stay! I will check on the fashion show preparations." I said.

"Noo! I mean it's alright Si." I gave him 'what is happening?' look. He sighed and looked at me.

"Right now.... It's just confusing! I will talk to you about it once I figure it out." I nodded and smiled at him. Now, just as I promised myself not to see Mr. Martin, this bomb dropped on me!

Why I even approved the idea of shifting the office!

"Ohhh yes! I forgot to tell you Lexi called. She said you have to be at party. And I will not be able to come with you....... I am leaving for paris in the evening." What? Alone? Now what should I do?

"I will call her." I said and went to my room. I called her to convey my denial for her invitation.

"Hello Si!" She is so chirpy! I don't want to spoil her mood, but I have to!

"Lexi.... You called Sean? He just said me about party, but I will not be coming." I said in monotonous tone.

"Si..... You have to come! I talked to Richie and he said if you don't go near them you can attend. And for welcoming Gabby I need whole family with me. Please? You all are important for me." I sighed.

"Lexi..... I will welcome Gabby when you will come here. Please, I promised myself and Kian too that I will not come near that mansion." I said sadly.

"Ohh... Wait! Why you promised Kian?" Uhh-oh he didn't say anything to her.

"Ummm...... He just requested me to stay away from Chase...... Chase is not happy with me around anyways." I looked at my hand to see a drop of tear resting at the back of hand.

"Si..... It's not like that! Kian! I will talk to him about it."

"Noo! Don't. I am not going to change my decision Lexi. I love you and Gabby, but I love my self respect more. Please don't force me to come." I said.

"Si........" She sighed. "Okay..... But I will video call you after Gabby is ready! Okay?" I smiled.

"Okay." I said and ended the call.

Richie's POV

"Look what you have done! Seriously Richie and you my dear husband, don't even talk to me!" Lexi went in her room while crying.

"God! How to mend things with her now!! Already she is cranky with her pregnancy and now..... God Siana!" Kian went in their room behind her.

"Richie...... I never thought I would say this but I am really disappointed." Mom said with sad and disappointed eyes. Why is everyone blaming me?

"Mom please! She scared Chase to the point..... You also saw him last night. I don't think I deserve this after all this. I did what I did for Chase." I said angrily.

"Yes.... But you should have heard her! Kian didn't hear Lexi's truth and you know what happened to him! God! Martin men!" She said and went from the dining table. I looked at Dad.

"You also think that I did wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know son. But you should have atleast heard what she wanted to say." He said.

"But Dad.... That won't change the fact that she scared Chase!" I said.

"She didn't scare me." I looked at Chase when suddenly he decided to interrupt.

"What?" I asked.

"Yes.... She wanted to talk but I was angry." I looked at him confused.

"Why were you angry Chase?" Dad asked him.

"I heard Dad saying that she is using me to get Dad." He said looking at me.

Ohh shit! God! I said that?

"Richie?" Dad asked.

"I... I... Don't remember saying that. I was angry on her because she said.... Mia is bitch. Chase don't repeat this word okay?" He nodded.

"That she is right!" Mom emerged suddenly.

"Now what you are going to do?" Dad asked.

"Daddy..... She is not using me?" Chase asked.

"Noo.... Chase I was angry at that time. I am sorry." I sighed sadly.

"Daddy.... Take me there. I want to say sorry to Siana." He said while crying.

"Me too baby... Me too." I said and picked him.

"Richie... Do you think she will forgive you? Think again my boy. You really insulted her big time." Mom said.

"I will try Mom." I hastily walked out and made Chase sit in car safely. Going to the driver seat I started the car.

God!!! Will she forgive me?

As soon as I reached at her home, hastily rang the doorbell few times.

"Who is thi..." She looked shocked at first, and then angry. Then she looked at Chase with unreadable expression and averted her eyes. God! She is not just angry! She is agitated!

"Yes Mr. Martin?" She asked in bored tone.

"I.... I wanted to....." This is difficult!

"Sorry?" Chase said.

"What?" She asked.

"We are sorry for yesterday Siana." Chase said.

"Ye.. yes... I am sorry." I said.

"Umm..... It's okay Chase. And it's okay Mr. Martin." She said in a tone which clearly states that it's not okay.

"Siana..... I was angry at that time..... I know it's not a good excuse, but please. I am really sorry." I said.

"And I said it's okay." She smiled a bit.

"Siana..... Will you come to the party tonight? Please?" Chase asked hoping that she will say yes. Giving her best of his cute face.

"Ummm.... No. I am not coming. I... I have some work that is to be completed. I am sorry Chase." She said smiling but that smile is far away from the smiles she usually gives to Chase.

"For sometime you can't come?" Chase asked again.

" I can't.... Ummm would you like come inside?" She asked.

"Yes." I am not going from here before making her come at the party tonight.

Loving Billionaire's Baby ABS # 2Where stories live. Discover now