Chapter 2: How To Get Tips

Start from the beginning

"Did someone beat the champ?" Anya asks. Her eyes travel off the words of the book staring blankly at the page. I look at her. She looks a little worried.

"mhm... some rookie named The Commander." I say watching her smirk come back. She nods a little.

"Good. Ontari needed to get knocked down. Her ego was annoying." Anya says while reading. I nod at what she says.

I get a notification from Raven on Twitter. I open it to see a post by 'Polis Underground'. Under the tweet she sent me is a wink. I roll my eyes and open the tweet.

Polis Underground
And just like that we have a new Champion! But who is our knew Champion? Who is the Commander?

Under that is a picture of The Commander with her arm being held up by the announcer. She is looking down in a modest way, not wanting the attention. I smile lightly. Her arm being up makes all of her already tense muscles tense up... I blush lightly.

"Is that a picture of The Commander?" Anya asks and I nod while looking away from it. "toss it over here." She says and I trustfully toss my phone to her. She catches it easily and looks at it chuckling a little.

"Do you know her?" I ask and Anya shakes her head no while tossing me the phone. I don't catch it but it lands on the bed.

"Nope I don't but I find the whole Polis underground thing... how should I put this... stupid." She nods at her final word.

"Well I am guessing The Commander-" I'm cut off at Anya laughing at the made up name.

"Sorry... the name is stupid too." She pulls out her phone and starts texting someone. "sorry continue."

"What I was going to say.... is, The Commander made a lot of money with that fight and I know it. Everyone thought she was going to lose." I say looking at the picture. Raven sends me another message on twitter:

Are you done staring at the commander?

Shut up reyes I wasn't staring 😐

Mhm... sure... see you tomorrow babe 😘

I roll my eyes again and text my Mom.

Goodnight Mom! I love you! Tell Madi and Kane I love them too!

Clarke its 2:34! I have been waiting for this message! Are you okay? Are you safe?

Mom.... 21 remember.... I am all good... stop stressing.....

The day I stop stressing is the day I die sweetheart.... goodnight

I roll my eyes at my mom. She really needs to give me a break. Part of the reason I didn't go to college was because she wasn't in a steady place in her life. I needed to be there for her and now I know she feels like she has to be there for me. She just forgets I don't need her all the time.

I put my phone on the charger and check my alarms to make sure they are all set. When I see that they are good I turn my back to Anya and go to sleep.


My alarm goes off. When I turn my body to turn it off I see that Anya is already gone. I shrug and get out of bed. Grabbing clothes and my bathroom bag I go down to the dorm bathrooms. I quickly take a shower and get dressed.

After brushing my teeth and my hair I go back to my dorm to put on a bit of light make up. I grab my bag and leave the dorms and start walking to my first class. Walking through the campus I think about my class.

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