
41 9 9

It's really not fair.

Everyone else is Happy except for him, and it's new year's Eve for fucks sake.

Taehyung sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, contemplating whether to ditch the party his friend, Jimin, made him come to or if he should chug a few more drinks until he's drunk and makes various mistakes like the last time he was drunk and got into an orgy, and he was the bottom. The entire time.

So now he's sitting at the bar, deciding that one more drink can't be that bad, until he's being pushed out of his seat and into some man's arms. The person is grabbing his ass, Smirking at him with a devilish glint in their eyes as they lead Taehyung backwards to the exit." Your so beautiful," the obviously drunken male spats, breath hitches when he hiccups suddenly. Taehyung sighs, knowing all too well how this is going to end and just nods, letting the man do whatever h—

" Hey! Get your hands off him!"

Both Taehyung and the male are surprised by that, but Taehyung's Captor doesn't have long to react before he's knocked out cold on the dirty floor of the terribly loud and Musty club. Honestly, Taehyung really believes jimin only dragged him here as an excuse to go and fuck his sugar daddy, the owner of the club. Min yoonji or something like that. He's seriously going to make him pay for this-this secret service shit that's happening. No one usually cares enough to stop someone dragging Taehyung out for a quickie in the open behind the dumpsters or in the girl's bathroom, so he stops struggling. Has stopped struggling.

" Did jimin send you?" Taehyung asks with a long sigh, fixing the shirt hanging off his shoulder with the faint bruise from earlier showing slightly. He meets eyes with his apparent bodyguard and is left stumped at the confused expression he's given." Jimin? Whose Jimin?" The red head asks, and Taehyung feels like he could throw up. Tears instantly start stinging his eyes and he looks down, laughing bitterly." Oh so I'm just a charity case to you, huh?" He chuckles darkly at that." Well fuck you, I didn't need your help."

Okay honestly he didn't expect to be so harsh, but the words just flung themselves all around and he's just there. There to mess up a moment that shouldn't have been that bad, but he always does this. Always fucking up shit, and he can't help it because...

Taehyung's never felt loved before.

Throw your entire heart and affection at him and he'll step on it thinking your just pitying him for being weak.

" Your not my son. My son isn't a fag, isn't some rip-off that sells his body, isn't some profound 'artist' who doesn't know how to do shit by himself!"

" James..."

" No! He's a Mama's boy! He's weak! He's nothing like me, and he cannot stay here!"

" .... I'll leave"

" No tae-"

" No mom, he doesn't like me. Never has."

" Taehyung, he's only doing what's best for you."

" And what the fuck is that!?"

" Making you a man, now get out."

Taehyung's halfway to his car when his wrist is grabbed and he's swiveled on his toes, Thrown into the last person he wants to talk to." Please stop." He whispers, pushing away from the male that had just saved him. The person is smiling weakly, nervously even, and unaware that a sober jimin is watching over them with wide eyes. In all honesty, anyone who knew Taehyung would be.

" Look, I'm not trying to feel pity for you. I saw you were uncomfortable so I simply wanted to help."

Taehyung scoffed, " that's pitying me. Get a better excuse." He tried to turn but his arm was grabbed this time. He scowled at the stranger, jerking his arm away." This better be good or I swear I'm Killing you, fuck the police."

" Okay, Fuck! I wanted to hit on you but when I tried to approach you that dude dragged you away okay? Happy now!"

Taehyung stared at the male blankly, blinking a couple times before he looked down shyly with a small blush." Wh-what does h-hitting on me mean? Are you actually going to hit me or-?" He could feel the silence in the air and when it became too much he looked up, tears falling freely from his eyes." I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I probably sound so dumb and I-"


Wait-fuck- he's being kissed?!?

Taehyung squealed and pushed the taller boy away, a hand covering his mouth as he felt heat rush to his cheeks, Vision practically turning a deep red from how hard he was blushing." What was that for?!" He squeaked out, stumbling on his own feet as he spotted jimin laughing his butt off.

" I'm Jungkook by the way,"

Taehyung blinked at the numbers on the paper that had been shoved into his hand just now." Huh?" He muttered, squeaking when another kiss was planted on his forehead." This is where you tell me your name too, petal."

" Kim Taehyung..."

Jungkook smiled, showing off a row of pearly whites as his eyes turned to crescent moons. Taehyung swore his heart skipped a beat at the sight but he ignored it, blamed it on the adrenaline of the moment. Which was a lie, and Kim Taehyung need lies, no matter how serious the issue. He doesn't see the way Jungkook pushes his phone into his hands while taking Taehyung's, but he quickly get the jist and saves his number in the others phone. He doesn't expect a an actual call or anything, That's too absurd and Taehyung isn't one to get his hopes up.

" Taetae-ah! Come on, we are marathoning to do!" Screams a crazed Jimin, snatching him away from Jungkook who pouts but smiled at Taehyung's tiny wave. Okay, so Taehyung's sorta whipped already for the boy, does it really even-

I forgot to tell you but your ass is cute  ;)

Oh fuck...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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