2. dorms

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Its been a few minutes after i met jackson, but then i had to go to the principal's office to get my locker and dorm number for the school year.

It turns out i had a locker in the middle of the hallway, so that way i would have to face everyone. It was kinda weird, but i would have to get used to it...

But then, as i was putting my stuff away, the last bell rang. That meant i would have to go to my dorm... i sure hope i will like my roommate.

I was about to enter my dorm, when suddenly the door opened...

"Oh geez! Im so so sorry!" "Its ok", i replied

Wait... that voice sounds familiar... i know that voice!! I looked up to confirm, i was right!

"Jackson, what are you doing here?" I asked hoping for one simple answer...

"This is my dorm, what about you?" Yes!!

"I was given the info that this was my new dorm..." inside, i was ecstatic, but on the outside i had to keep cool.

"Ok, cool! The do you need any help moving in?"

"No thank you..."


As i was finally settled, i noticed the bed i was supposed to use was torn up...

"Hey jackson?"


"Why is my bed torn?"

"Idk, but i can ask for a new one if you want..."

"No, its fine."

*Timeskip again cuz im lazy*

It was night, so i said i would sleep on the couch, but it was uncomfortable.

"Hey jackson"

"Yeah (y/n)?"

"Can i sleep with you?"


So i ended up snuggling with jackson!

I know... its terrible. So sry for anyone suffering throuhh this weirdness...
And i dont even know where i go when i drop off the face of the earth...😅

Jackson Jekyll x male Reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora