Ch 14 - Upstairs and Rings

Start from the beginning

"You are so on the team!" Sean grins and walks over to us. "Next week we've got the Crown and Anchor. We're going to annihilate them." The Doctor jumps up at that and glares menacingly at him.

"Annihilate? No. No violence, do you understand me? Not while I'm around. Not today, not ever. I'm the Doctor, the Oncoming Storm, and you basically meant beat them in a football match, didn't you?" He calms down.


"Lovely. What time?" The Doctor grins and I swat him.

"Idiot," I mumble. He makes a funny face before stealing my soda and I glare at him.

Craig opens up a can and is sprayed by the carbonated drink. I look over at him as the Doctor laughs, but then it repeats. The heaviness in my head returns and I slump against the Doctor who catches me immediately. Everything is blurred and muffled but I feel the Doctor dragging me away from the mess.

We seem to be a good distance away from them when the Doctor finally stops moving. I limply fall to the ground, and when my head makes contact, a dull throbbing echoes throughout my whole body. I'm lifted again and I groan.

"Doctor…" I slur. "You're an ass." I feel a vibration shake against my chest. I think he says something, but it's too echoey to understand. I feel pressure by my temples and then I black out.


A banging and clanking noise jumps me awake and I quickly sit up. I notice we're back in our room and the Doctor is playing with the machine in front of us.

"Ah! You're awake!" The Doctor grins and hops over to me, almost getting hit in the head with a spinning paddle.

"What happened?" I rub my head. It feels numb and empty, like I was drained of power.

"I made a psychic link with you to make you fall asleep," the Doctor answers like it was the most normal and casual thing in the world.

"A what?" I ask.

"A psychic link."

"A what?"

"Psychic link."

"A what?"

"It's a psychic link, okay?" He huffs. "Basically I got into your head and made you pass out for a bit. Nothing to worry about."

I struggle for words. "Why?"

"Because it looked like you were in pain or something. Localized time loop. It gets to your head." He stands up and plays around with the machine again.

"Why isn't it affecting you? What's so special about me?"

"No idea, trying to work that out." There's a knock on the door. "Can you get that, dear?" I huff and open the door to see Craig standing there.

"Hello, Roomie!" I grin cheerily.

"Er, hey. Can you get the Doctor?"

"Did someone call my name- OW!" I look behind me to see the Doctor on the floor with a traffic cone on his head.

"I think he's a little busy," I tell Craig.

"Uhm, right. Hey, Sophie's coming 'round and I was wondering if you two can give us some space?" He says a little suggestively and I nod my head.

"Yeah, sure. I'll pass on the message. Don't worry; you won't even know we're here." I smile but wince when a crash comes from upstairs. I close the door and turn around to see the Doctor under the bed with his legs sticking out.

"Was that Craig?" He asks.

"Who else would it be?" I snort. "Sophie is coming over and he wants some space. What are you doing under the bed?" I ask and he shuffles out.

nightmares ~ doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now