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Percy's POV:

Today was the first day of high school. I hated going to school. I missed camp and Annabeth and all of my friends. It wasn't as bad as before, because I wasn't scrawny and didn't get bullied. But with that came a new problem. The majority of the female population of Goode considered me to be
Mr. Hottie, and almost every girl in the school had asked me out at one point. And also, the boys were either sucking up to me or glaring at me. So, basically, I was the most popular person at school, though I didn't want to be. The only people I could trust were my friend group, which consisted of Lucy Jefferson, Alex Hayes and Alexa Hayes, Mike May,
Susan Rivers, Felicia Hunt and me. Lucy and Alex were dating, and Alexa and Mike were dating. Alex and Alexa were twins. Susan and Felicia were single, and nobody believed that Annabeth existed, so they thought I was single too. So, I was getting ready for the first day of school. Since yesterday, after I came back from getting the food dye, mom and Paul have been smiling for no reason and had a twinkle in their eyes. I was about to ask them why they were acting weird, but when I saw the pancakes (obviously blue) and bacon, I forgot everything except that. When I was stuffed, I said goodbye to mom and Paul dropped me off at school. My friends were waiting for me at my locker. As I was sharing with them, I heard the usual annoyingly nasal voice of Patricia Hugh. Before she even got to say her usual "Heyyy Percee" in what she thought was a "seductive" way, I said "Go away Patricia." She ignored me and said, "Oh, Percy, my mom is hosting a party this weekend! Only you're invited from our school. Everybody wanted to meet my boyfriend!!", She said. Thankfully, the bell rang, saving us from more of her nasal voice. But the thing was, she wasn't like the other "popular" girls at school. She was actually really pretty. She wasn't dumb either. She actually excited a B- in all her subjects. The only downside was, she was annoying and rude. She was also a bully.

Mike's POV:

After the bell saved us from that slut, we, for the first time in history, headed to algebra happily. Just as I was about to enter class, Mr. Jeffrey, our principal, made an announcement. "Mr. Mike May, please report to the office immediately." Worried, I headed to the office. I hadn't done anything wrong this time! But, when I headed to the office, I saw 11 gorgeous teenagers. Each of them almost had an aura of power. They introduced themselves, and I was supposed to show them around. Their names were Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Calypso, Will, Nico, Thalia, Reyna and Annabeth. Annabeth came up front, and said that they were friends of Percy Jackson. I did not believe them a single bit, but took them to Percy. By the time they introduced themselves and the principal instructed the rules of the school to them, first class had gotten over. Add soon as Percy saw them, he kissed Annabeth full on the lips! Felicia would be heartbroken! She wasn't here now, because she was using the restroom. The next time she would see him would be at lunch. Did I mention that Felicia wat literally in love with Percy? Well, she is. Let's hope that she takes this well and does not try to break up Percy and Annabeth.

Felicia's POV:

Today, I planned to ask Percy out. I was confident that Percy liked me. I mean, I was very pretty, with red eyes (I know, unusual) and blonde hair dyed blue. When Patricia flirted with Percy, I was ready to punch the girl all the way to the gates of hell. I would ask out Percy when school got over, and I hoped that we would leave school today as a couple. Algebra was the only class we had together today. I would be able to see Percy only at lunch. I hoped that Percy's "girlfriend" was fake. How could she be real, with her "golden princess curls and stormy grey eyes that seemed to calculate you but shined when she was happy"? I mean, he described her as if she was part goddess, for god's sake! I grumpily headed to English, and I couldn't wait for lunch.

Jason's POV:

As soon as Percy saw Annabeth, he ran up to her and kissed her as if it would be their last kiss. Leo, being, well Leo, interrupted them by asking, "What are we? Chopped liver?" They broke apart, and they were smiling wider than I had ever seen them. Piper, who was standing next to me, squealed about "Percabeth" "Pipes, your inner Aphrodite is showing", I said while laughing. But I regretted what I said when I saw hey giving me a glare almost scarier than Annabeth's. It made me thankful that
she wasn't allowed to bring her dagger. But while I was thinking about this, I was pulled into a bone crushing hug by Percy. He seemed so happy that he couldn't speak, and when he was done cracking the ribs of all of us, he finally started talking. "Why are you guys here? Not that I'm sad you're here but how? Where are you staying? Hey! Can I also stay with you? Who's paying for the apartment? Chiron or Hades? How-" He was cut off by Annabeth's hand over his mouth. "Shut up seaweed brain! There are "people"here! "Well, sorry Annabeth, but tell me everything", he whined. Like a 5 year old. When I looked around, I realised that everyone was starting at us. Well, this is going to be a long year.

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