Chapter 2

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*I would like to know if anyone thinks something doesn't sound right please let me know. Sorry for any spelling errors. My notepad thing I use doesn't have a spell check (stupid I know)*

After phy ed class, I went to lunch and sat down at my regular table. Completely empty, like I felt. I felt another presence and looked up to see Raili sitting down next to me. I kept my blank expression and picked at my food. I never knew what I ate anymore. I wasn't anorexic, even though I was super skinny. I did eat, just never ate what the average person would.

"I know you won't talk to me," Raili said pulling me out of my revelry, "but I still would like to be your friend." She paused. "Well, something like that." I just looked at her emerald green eyes searching. I could tell she meant it, but didn't know what to do so I shrugged.

"Wanna come over tonight?" She asked. I shrugged again not knowing what to do. I normally just ignored everyone that talked to me. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. "Well if you want to come to my car when schools over. Jared can come too." She said his name in a whisper. I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed my garbage, got up and dumped my stuff in the garbage and went to my next class ten minutes before the bell was suppose to ring announcing that lunch was over. Mr. Jackson wasn't in the room and I sighed in relief and sat down in my seat. I pulled out a notepad and began to doodle all over it carelessly. Someone cleared their throat. I looked up, startled, Mr. Jackson was peering over me looking at my doodles.

"Your early for once?" He said it more like a question. I went back to doodling ignoring him. Should I go over to Raili's? Should I see if Jared wants to go? What would Dad say? I shuddered at the thought of my Dad. I winced remembering the last time I came home late. He beat me so bad I couldn't go to school for a week so the bruises wouldn't show. I remember when the physical abuse started. Almost a year ago when I brought home tons of late/detention slips.

*Flash Back*

"Savannah! How could you get 20 late slips and 5 detentions in one week?" He yelled at me. "Jared has never even gotten one of them! You and your brother are so worthless." He said taking a step towards me. I was shaking with anger. 'He isn't worthless!' I screamed in my head. 'I deserve to be called worthless because of what I did but it wasn't his fault!' I wanted to shout so badly but stood my ground and just glared at him. He came over and stood in front of me. I saw his hand come up and then I was down on the floor. My cheek burned. I grunted as his foot slammed into my stomach. Once, twice.... Twenty five times.

"That's for all your late and detention slips. If you bring home anymore it will happen again." Dad turned and left the room. I don't know how long I laid on the living room floor till Jared started coming down the stairs. I pushed myself off the floor and fell back over onto the floor. Jared rushed over to me, concern written all over his face. He picked me up and took me to my room and set me on my bed. He left the room and came back with a notepad. He asked what happened. I lied and told him I had fallen down the stairs. My brother was the only person I would respond to. I never changed my expression but I always responded to him when he asked a question. He was the only person in this world I loved and cared about.

*End of Flash Back*

"Since you're early... Would you like to help me set the tables quick?" He asked glancing at the clock. I sighed and closed my notepad and stood up. I followed him to the back pantry, where all the cooking supplies was. He handed me 20 clear plastic bowls and told me to set one on each table. "We're backing pizza today." He said with a smile. 'My favorite food,' I thought. Cooking class was my favorite class since I was actually good at cooking. Cooking and fighting. The only things I was good at. I slowly set the bowls on the tables as students started to arrive. They looked startled seeing me setting the tables but didn't say a word knowing if there was one word of gossip about me they would be beaten. I didn't take gossip lightly. Everyone found that out in 6th grade when I beat up a girl for spreading a rumor about my brother and I. I broke her nose and cracked two ribs.

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