first day of a new school

Start from the beginning

She signs "People have been telling to stop for weeks now, but I can't help it, I miss Joy so much, she left without her phone, she would never do that" Patricia siad almost crying.

"I am sorry" I said feeling really bad for her. 

"A few days ago this private investor found me and he is helping me find Joy" she said.

'What is his name?" I asked. 

"Rene Zeldman, but you can't tell anyone" she said.

"I won't but how do you know you can trust him?" I said and I always keep my promise. 

"He is helping me find Joy, besides who less can I trust?" she asked. 

"Maybe I can help a bit" I said and her face lit up. 

"You would do that?" she asked in shock. 

"Yeah of course" I said. "I could do anything for my friends" I added.

"Thanks you, I will text him to meet up after school" I said and I nod and we continue eating lunch and we talked about Joy too. 

Ms. Andrews's pov________________

During lunch I went into Eric's office and Victor was already there. 

"She has some of her father's looks but she mostly like her mother" I said.

"Her father is a dead man" Vicotor said.

"What is she finds out who he is? What is she finds out what we really do?" I asked. 

"Calm down Daphne, she has no clue" Eric said.

"Eric, if she is anything like that man she will figure it out" I said worried. 

"She doesn't know, she thinks Tom Logan is her father" Victor said.

"She is not only related to that monster, she is somthing special, what if she finds out what she is?" I asked.

"She won't" Eric said reassuring me but I was too worried to bother listening to him.

"I have seen her previous school record she is a smart girl, she is the one who will stop our soceity" I said.

"The chosen one is the only one who can buid the cup to give us all enternal life" Eric said. 

"She is not the chossen one, she is far more powerful then Joy Mercer" I said.

"We all have to keep an eye on her, incase that man is still out there, he might try to contact her" Victor said.

"He is dead Victor, no need to do that to the poor girl" Eric said.

"Well we have to do something, we can't just sit back and let her take charge of her destiny.. Not to mention both of her dad's were in our soceity." I said.

"Tom left the soceity becuase he had kids to take care of and that monster left becuase he didn't want to share the Elixir of Life" Victor said.

Then we heard the bell ring. 

Cassie's pov________________

Next class was chemistry and I sat next to Nina and Fabian next to the window in the back. 

"Hello everyone and welcome Cassie Logan's I am Mr. Sweet" the principle announced himself. 

"Hi sir" I waved my hand. 

"Now let's move on with our lesson" he said ad began to teach the class. 

After school I changed out of my uniform and put on 

Then I heard a knock on my door "Come in" I said and Patricia walks in

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Then I heard a knock on my door "Come in" I said and Patricia walks in.

"Ready to go?" she asked. 

"Yeah, let's go" I said and we left the house and walked ito the woods. 

"Why does he want to meet us so far from the school?" I asked as me feet started to hurt.

"He said if the teachers ever saw him it would be bad" she said and I nod. 

We waited in the cold for a few mintues then he showed up "Who is this?" he asked. 

"This is my friend Cassie, she is here to help find Joy" Patricia said.

"Hi" I said.

"Hi" he said.

"Alright did you find anything?" she asked. 

"Nothing yet, do you have a phot of Joy that I can use?" he asked. 

"Yeah" she said. 

"Great bring it to me then next time I next you, and one more thing, does anyone you know where this locket that looks like an eye?" he asked and Patricia shrugges her should and shakes her head and looks at me. 

I think about it for awhile "Wait, Nina wears a locket like that" I said. 

Patricia gasp "Yeah she does" agreeing to me. 

"It could help, if you can get it off her then that would be great" he said.

"I will get it" Patricia said and we said out byes and went back to the house in time for dinner. 

I saw Patricia leave the table early so I had a feeling she saw Nina not wearing her neckless. Then Amber got up and left the table. Oh no. 

"Ok everyone go wash up" Trudy said and everyone starts to leave the table. I knew I had to distract Nina. 

"Nina" I called out. 

"What's up?" she asked.

"Tell me more about yourself" I said.

"Well, when I was a kid my parents died in a car crash so I went to live my grandma in america and I recived a shcolorship to the school so here I am" she said.

"I am so sorry about your parents" I said feeling really bad. 

"it's ok" she said.

"I got a scholorship here too" I said.

"That is cool, you must be a smarty" she said and we both start laughting. 

"Anyways I got to go to my room now to get my toothbrush I will talk to you later" she said and walks up the stairs. I felt that was all I could do for now. 

I hope Patricia got the locket in time. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and went to my room and fell asleep. 

I easily fell asleep. 

"Cassie" I heard someone said and I open my eyes to see no one there. 

"What is going on?" I muttered to myself. 

I fell back asleep and 2 seconds later "Cassie, your destiny awaits" The same vocie back back. 

I woke up getting mad "Who are you?" I asked speaking to myself. 

"Your need to help the chosen one" the voice said.

"I am going crazy" I muttered. 

Then the voice stoped and I finally got some sleep. 

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